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Simple Plan

They got away from the incinerator without incident and ran for what seemed like hours almost. Once they got to a certain spot that opened up to a road, they quietly eased into the waiting car and drove off headed west away from the Cleese Pack. As tired as Danelia was, she was determined not to go to sleep. And she was glad that she did stay awake, otherwise she would have missed the subtle changes that her home town had gone through while she was away. Where once the streets and sidewalks used to be liter free and clean, there were bags upon bags of trash lining some streets. Broken down cars sat in front of boarded up homes.

 She couldn’t help but notice the lack of life in the surrounding area. She didn’t hear any birds chirping in their nests. She didn’t even see any bugs on the ground or any in the air. Though the sun was shinning down on the multicolored autumn leaves Danelia got a feeling that it shined without purpose.

She had so many questions to ask but she couldn’t find the voice to ask them while they were en route to where the man was taking her. When they just passed the town border into lands that Tuner didn’t own, she relaxed slightly. Her rescuer pulled the car into a broken down garage that sat next to an aged building.

It was an old, abandoned morgue, she was told. But that didn’t bother Danelia. For the moment, she was safe, away from Turner and his pack of mutts. All she could think of doing then was getting as far away from the town and the Cleese Pack as possible, but she had no where to go. She thought about heading back to the ranch but she didn’t have any money on her to get back. With any luck her rescuer would have some sort of telephone so she could call for help. Besides traveling under the cover of darkness would not have been her best option, what with wolves with better than excellent night vision hunting for her in a pack. She would chance it and stay until morning at least, but even then her chances of making a clean get away were slim.

Danelia was beginning to lose hope..

Her rescuer introduced himself as Bana and he was a stranger to the Cleese pack as well as an outsider Danelia figured. If he were a part of a pack, he gave no indication of such. His accent sounded Australian, but she was set straight that it was indeed New Zealand. Bana was as tall as every other wolf. To Danelia, he seemed to be just an ordinary man, someone that would blend into the crowd. And that seemed to be his aim, she guessed again. The only thing that made him stand out was the scorch marks on the right side of his body.

When he stripped down to shower off the blood, she saw the burn then. It was a bright red mark, with ruined raised skin that spanned from the very tips of his fingers to just beyond his shoulder muscle.

“Moral of this story is to stay away from fire,” he explained when he caught her staring.

It puzzled her why his wolf hadn’t healed the mark then she just let it go. She had more pressing matters concerning herself than some scarred wolf.

She never thought she’d be so happy to see soap and water again as she turned and left for her own shower. When she got out she found a pair of hospital scrubs and towels waiting for her on the metal cot in the adjoining room. She dried and dressed herself then she got a suture kit from Bana and attended her wounds. Looking at her shoulder, she winced at the depth of the teeth marks. She doused the wound with rubbing alcohol as well as hydrogen peroxide and then pierced her skin with the needle and thread. The ten teeth prints Turner left in her shoulder were still sensitive to the touch. Without the healing properties of his saliva the wound would heal slowly, just like every other wound she had gotten.

She swore when she couldn’t reach the other five teeth marks on the back of her shoulder.

“Blood acts as a scent cover up,” Bana said as he walked in and took the needle from her and began to sew together her skin.

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