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The next day arrived on the backs of the brilliant rays of the sun, just like it always did. Danelia awakened with Jhal’s arms wrapped tightly around her.

She sighed in contentment. Then blinked in surprise. She had gone back to sleep. She reached for her cell phone she kept under her pillow and read the time. She had slept for five hours straight. Seems talking to Jhal had done her some good. Or it was just being held in his arms that did it. She sighed. Whatever was going on between them she wouldn’t get her hopes up so high. She nudged Jhal to awaken him.

“Jhal,” she said.

He groaned, “You sound so sexy when you say my name.”

She smiled, “Well its time to get up.”

“Five more minutes,” he said as he snuggled in closer to her.

She smiled again and began wiggling her bottom on him.

“Don’t start something you aint gonna finish,” he said without opening his eyes. He pressed the front himself into her and she could feel what he meant.

She gasped and squealed all at the same time.

He leaned closer to her and kissed her neck. Danelia gasped again and tried to move away. He kissed behind her ear. “Jhal stop we gotta get up its already a quarter to ten.”

He pretended that he didn’t hear her and brought his hands to her stomach making her jump.

He paused, “What?”

“Its nothing.”

“Then why’d you jump?”

“Cause we have to get up.”

“Are you sure?”


His hands slid over her tummy again and she giggled.

“Ooohhh that’s what it is,” Jhal said as his fingers slid over the smooth skin of her tummy again making her laugh aloud.

“Jhal…stop,” she continued to laugh.

“Where else are you ticklish? Is it your sides?”

“No… please.” She continued to laugh and squirm.

He began to really tickle her then. They rolled around in the bed until he managed to get on top of her and place both her hands above her head.

He paused momentarily to stare in her eyes. Whether he wanted to or not, he felt the fluttering of love begin to take root and he didn’t at all try to refuse it. He gave her a heart breaking sexy smile before he leaned in for a heated kiss. He let her hands go so that he could cradle her head. His hands began to roam over her body from her lips to her neck, her shoulders, collar bone, and then her breast. He knead them softly making Danelia moan.

“Jhal,” she moaned.

He licked his lips then moved to suck her sensitive, hardened peaks through her nightshirt.

His hands never stopped roaming over her body. He lifted the band of her pajama bottoms to pull them down. However, a sudden bark and scratching at the door halted him.

Danelia groaned, “You know its time to get outta bed with the dog comes scratching at the door.”

“I’ll remember that next time,” Jhal said. “Go get dressed and I’ll meet you downstairs.”

Danelia nodded her head and left the room with Beau-Mo trailing behind her.

When Danelia finally made it downstairs Jhal was just finishing his first cup of coffee when she walked by the kitchen. He sent her a heated look before walking out of the back door to join her uncle.

Danelia walked from the kitchen to the dining room where she found Vegasitting at the table surrounded by electronic equipment.

“What’s All this,” Danelia asked.

“Stuff to identify the insignia, if the body has one. Otherwise I’ve wasted a whole lot of time if he doesn’t.”

She picked up some sort of magnifying glass then sat it down, “ The laptop, the camera, the scanner I get. But why a painting set?”

“That’s my thing. I'm gonna paint the outline of his insignia then press it to a blank sheet of paper. Its just an extra precaution. Here in the country electronics tend to take break at times.”

“Don’t I know it. trying to get a good cell phone signal out here is like…” Danelia started.

“Trying to find a radio station that isn’t country, talk or church radio,” Vega finished.

Danelia laughed. She was starting to like this girl.

She settled down in a seat near Vega, picking up the camera to focus the lens, “So how long have you been apart of the Wouden pack?”

“Seems like my whole life. It was my moms original pack until she mated with my dad. But then we returned when I was seven,” she said as she made a few key strokes on the laptop. Danelia picked up on her subtle cue that she wasn’t up to talking about her past and let it go.

“Alpha Reza said he’d be here before noon so if you wanted to get some things done beforehand, now would be the time,” said Vega.

“Okay,” Danelia left Vega to her own devices (total pun intended) and went back to the fridge for something to eat but thought better of it. They would be examining a dead body soon and a ham and egg and waffles just didn’t seem so appetizing at the moment.

She instead grabbed a couple of granola bars and some flavored water to hold her over. She was tempted to track down Jhal but didn’t think that was a good idea. She didn’t want to follow him around like some love sick puppy so she busied herself with the ranch inventory.

When noon came Beau-Mo alerted every on in the house that a car was approaching.

Danelia closed the books and Jhal, Vega, and Arlo met her at the door. Seeing Alpha Reza again made her light headed with anticipation. Sensing this Jhal wrapped an arm around her waist.

Alpha Reza and three other people walked up the walk way. Vega identified them as his mate, son and the other person she couldn’t vouch for. They crowded into the greeting room.

“Arlo it is good to see you again,” Mrs. Wouden said from her husband’s side.

“Nice to see you as well,” he replied.

“Everyone, this is my pack’s archivist Russkin Lars,” Alpha Reza said introducing the be-speckled older man.

“Good afternoon. I understand we have an insignia to classify?”

“Yes,” Danelia spoked. She led everyone out to the shed where the body was stowed. Arlo led them to the body where it dangled from a hook attacked to a metal harness.

“What a useful contraption,” the archivist commented.

“Thank you. I would take credit but it was Danelia’s design.”

“I didn’t know you did metal work,” Jhal said.

“One of a few things you don’t know about,” she replied.

Arlo picked up a pair of sheers and began cutting the cloth he had wrapped the body in. “He didn’t have any clothes around the house so I assume he shifted from where he was hiding out at.” With all the lights on in the shed, there was more than enough brightness to bring out the various marring the body on the skin. They could see where Danelia made her puncture wound from their first encounter. As well as the bruise that colored the right side of his head, possibly that was where Arlo struck him with the butt of the gun.

It took only a second for them to find it. The brand was just underneath his arm, along his rib cage. It was an octagonal shape with an eight pointed star on the inside. When Danelia and Arlo spotted it, they turned to each other, wide eyed, shock coursing through them.

They both had a familiarity with the brand, Danelia more so than Arlo, because she was born into the very pack it belonged to.

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