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*****The cover was created by the very talented Fourthaxis. Much appreciated for this art work.*****

I'm doing 100 on the highway so if you do the speed limits get the fuck outta my way… Move bitch, get out the way. Get out the way. Bitch Get out the way. Move bitch get out the way. Get out the way bitch get out the way,” Danelia sang in her car. She was finally making her way from the McDonald’s parking lot and on her way to school.

Once she dropped her orange juice and apple pie container in the trash bin she drove out onto the main highway. It was yet 7:15 in the morning and she was steeling herself for the beginning of the day, the end of summer and the beginning of the school year. Albeit it was her last year in high school she was still dreading going back. She had a 7:30 appointment with her guidance counselor. When registration for classes came a week ago, Danelia was none too happy about the arrangement of her classes. The high school had a basement under a basement and she was not about to haul her ass up and down those stairs all day long. She considered herself lucky this year that she didn’t need to go on the third floor, which was dedicated to math classes. Since she barely managed to scrape by with a C- in her algebra two course last year it still meant that she satisfied all her math credits in order to graduate. To that, in the words of her Uncle Arlo, she said, ‘Amen now pass the potato salad.’

Graduation was a little over 8 months away. It was a long time coming and Danelia had worked her fingers to the bone to make sure she made it. She was happy to finally be done with it, to move on but in a way she would miss it. Maybe she wouldn’t miss the pack so much but still. Who would blame a she-wolf for wanting to get away from such a biased pack of wolves? She was after all just an omega.

Danelia and her family were never going to be the higher-ranking wolves. An alpha her father was not. He wasn’t even a beta. The fact that he wasn’t even the second to a beta made it all the more worse for them. All the way down the pecking order, a step above humans sat the omegas. They were the maids, the cooks, the grunt workers. Whenever a higher ranking wolf needed something cleaned, the omegas were the ones with the mop and bucket. When someone needed something steam-pressed, an omega took up the starch spray. The omegas were the swift, sure footed dispensable front liners. Not as muscularly built, but just as gifted with grace and beauty, what made them different was that they worked harder for what they had, they earned it, nothing was given. They were a strong class of wolf but lacked the strength and power to have power, whatever that meant Danelia thought often. Still their importance couldn’t be diminished, they ran the pack in a way minus the political power. Without them, most wolves in the Cleese Pack wouldn’t know a pleat from a placard. The omegas had mountains worth of pride and respect for their pack and their alpha. Though very little was given to them. They did all they were commanded to happily cause it was their calling, their lot in life. Well not Danelia. Not for the pack she was currently in and certainly not for the alpha and his family. She had decided back in the third grade that she would never bow nor would she swear her fealty to any wolf of the Cleese Pack. The mere thought of sharing an alpha bond with the alpha and his betas put her on edge and made her grit her teeth.

She managed to parallel park her car in the allotted senior section of the street and gathered her things to head into the school. Since school wasn’t due to start until another forty minutes it was quickly filling up with teachers. Danelia could hear their foot falls echoing throughout the hall. They spent their time catching up with each other, talking over summer vacations. Once she stowed away her bag in her locker Danelia made her way up the guidance counselor’s office.

She signed in with the receptionist and waited for her appointed counselor to arrive. And right on time he hurriedly entered the front doors.

“Sorry if I’m late Danelia. Just give me a few more seconds,” he said while unlocking his office door.

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