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Warning: Strong sexual language and attempted sexual assault.

From the Ashes

Danelia awakened when she felt a presence near her. Immensely glassy green eyes stared back at her, so close that she felt their breath on her nose.

Eyes wide with shock her body tried to move away from the being as a gasp escaped her. “Oh my goodness, you almost scared the piss out of me,” she said.

The man tilted its head and only stared at her then rose from his crouched positioned to his full height.

“No really, is there some way you could un-tie me to go to the bathroom?” Danelia said from atop the bed.

Then with a yank and pull she was up on her feet with her hands freed. Blowing her hair out of her face she looked at the being that awakened her, and she could only register his eyes at first. They were a green she couldn’t name. She let herself take in all of his face and took a shuddered breath.He looked mean and un-caring. And his eyes though green they looked like empty pools of useless life.

Danelia, feeling herself being drawn into the man’s blank eyes, dropped her gaze.

“Sir, I…um as I asked a few second ago, could I be led to the bathroom?”

The man turned to Danelia and frowned. He turned towards the door without saying a word.

“Look if you think I’m gonna try to escape, don’t bother, I just wanna…”

“Wait here.”

Before she could say okay the man left, slamming the door behind him.

Once he left Danelia took a look at her surroundings. She had been placed in a simple room. There was a closet, three small windows with shutters as she expected last night.Over in the farthest corner opposite the door sat a lonesome chair.

Thinking more to herself, “Oh my God they really did mean to make me a prostitute.” Anger swelled within her at the thought. She would never; they would have to kill her first.

Trying to think of ways to make them attack her wouldn’t work, they’d only knock her upside her head and how would she be able to fend the bastards off.

She heard approaching footsteps and thought Mr. Green Eyes had gotten someone to come show her to the bathroom. She didn’t think she could look at those eyes of his anymore.

No such luck.

When the man came back into the room, Danelia looked at him as he glared at her lost in his own thoughts. His eyes were unfocused and he began to sway to some unnoticeable beat. Every now and then his fingers would move of their own volition.

Danelia snapped her fingers to get his attention at first “Can I assume you’re back here to escort me to the bathroom?” She asked.

“Out,” the man said.

Danelia blinked at the command. She was obviously too scared to censor herself or the stop the words as they left her mouth, “Now hold on there, I am not some Mastiff you can order around. I am a freakin’ human being for Christ’s sake, the least you could do is treat me as one and not order me around like you own me!!”

Clenching his jaw, “Out….now!”

“What, can you not hear? A please would suffice,” she said, her attitude getting the best of her, overriding the pulse beating fear. In her life as head of the ReenPhair Ranch she had become accustomed to a certain level of respect and even in the face of whatever horrors could befall her, she would have her respect still.

Just An OmegaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ