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“It’s ALIVE!” Vega yelled manically from Danelia’s bed side. “Finally the dead has arisen!”

Danelia cracked open an eye to see Vega standing by the bed rail of the hospital bed.

“Ugh another hospital… I swear they ought to have members club so I can join,” Danelia murmured through still swollen lips, she tried sitting up but the ache in her sides made that impossible so she reached for the little remote control she knew was attached to the rail and sat the bed upright.

“Okay, where am I? And where’s Arlo?” She asked, once finally situated in the bed.

“You’re at the pack hospital,” Vega answered honestly, though ignoring the other question.

“What? No, who’s pack?” Danelia asked surprised. “The last time I checked I was dying in Turner’s run down town. How the hell did I end up in a hospital?”

“See that’s the thing, you are in the hospital here on the pack grounds.”

“In Turner’s pack?” She asked, she then started to get up from the bed to leave, “C’mon we gotta get the hell outta here-”

“Hey, hey, chill,” Vega said as she pushed Danelia back down onto the bed.

“There’s no time to chill, we gotta get gone, like five minutes ago. And where the hell is Arlo?” She demanded once again.

Vega looked at her sympathetically, “Gone.”

Seeing as how she’d passed out from severe blood loss and was on her way to the golden staircase that led to the upper room (what Vega had decided to call death) she didn’t exactly know what went on afterwards. So Vega filled her in.

As Team Danelia went from six to three in a matter of a day, Vega and Carmichael had no choice but to report to their Alphas. And they were not pleased. Least of all was Matthias, Carmichael’s mate. Concerning matters of his family, especially that of his mate, Matthias had quite a temper. His grief would be dealt with later but putting his mate’s life in danger was a violation he refused to let slide.

With the allowance of the Alpha of his pack, Matthias and a sizable group of wolves met up with Vega, Carmichael and Beau-Mo and they flew off to the Cleese Territory. When their plane landed, it was decided that they would go to Turner’s land upon the sheer allegation that Cleese had knowingly allowed a lower ranking member in his pack to succumb to the influence of drugs. As well as endangered the life of a wolf’s mate. Matthias, now calmed down as per his Alpha’s command, only wanted answers then. His twin was no saint, and probably deserved all that he got, but the Burning Paranoia was turning out to be a damnation even a hellion of Matthew’s nature didn’t deserve. But Cleese still had some explaining to do regarding the fire.

They had no idea what they were walking into upon first arriving a few towns over. Though, when they felt the explosion go off, they automatically knew it wasn’t anything good. So when they got close enough to the town they rushed right on pass the blockades, their noses to the air, being led by the scent of anger, blood, and fear.

Upon the insistence that the defiant wolf would not harm them, Matthias and the rest of the pack merely looked on as spectators as Arlo dropped Turner Cleese’s lifeless body to the ground. No one would dare move an inch for fear of being attacked. They marveled at his control and the intelligence they saw in his eyes. They also pitied him for the pain they saw.

Once Turner’s body had begun to cool, Arlo stood surrounded by wolves he didn’t recognize and went to take them all on just for being there, but Vega was there to stop him.

She stood between he and the other pack, hoping that some small part Arlo still existed that didn’t want to harm her. Sure what she was doing was half past crazy and all the way insane, but she had to stop the slaughter before it could happen. She tried to talk to him but he was still so angry that her words did not reach him. In fact, the only thing that saved the wolf pack was Vega herself, or rather the Vega that Arlo saw.

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