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Danelia would not talk to her family about what she had done or why. Through her mother’s tears and her father’s anger at her she didn’t think it would do anyone any good if they looked for fault at anyone but her. Noland’s impending fatherhood was the last thing she wanted them to blame for their daughter disowning her heritage.

She couldn’t be upset with them over their reaction to her mate denial. Because the fun was just beginning; she had brought ‘The Leaving’ upon herself.

A mere forty eight hours later, Danelia made it to the top of her stairs before ‘The Leaving’ happened. Not many had lived to give an accurate description of what it felt like to have a separation of the wolf spirit from them. But Danelia could if she were given time.

She screamed and dropped down to her knees as pain tore through her body. What could only be described as talons sank into her brain. Danelia screamed again as she felt them drag along the lobes of her brain, severing blood vessels. Blood pour from her ears and her nose. A dark red film covered her eyes and rendered them useless. Her lifeblood seeped from her and finally her heart stopped. She slumped forward and then fell against the railing. Her body then cascaded down the wooden stairs until she came to rest at the landing with a definite thump as her head hit the concrete.

Those people that did live after suffering ‘The Leaving’ were not the same. Denying a mate and severing a bond causes this, thus why so many wolves never deny a mate. To do so meant to take away a wolf’s heart. Without a heart, anything could happen. They became changed, most not for the better. Some were just…different. In the days before her final decision regarding her mate hood, Danelia thought that she was already different, how much more could she get. As her still body lay on the stairs, she had finally gotten her answer.

Briefly, before the day faded away, she came to. She felt for her lupa and knew she was no longer there. Danelia realized with a sickening certainty that she was now human. Then she lapsed back into her dreamless slumber.

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