Class clown

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~ Shanes Point Of View ~

"C, G, D, E minor, back to D" I said aloud while I wrote it down on a piece of paper in a notepad filled with lyrics, chords, ideas and song titles.

To me song writing wasnt just a pass time, it was something to distract me from the hellish life I was stuck in for many years to come.

My name was Shane, I lived in Suffolk with my parents and had very little friends from my school, my parents didnt treat me like their son, but like their enemy. I was like their target so my only escape was locked in my room with my guitar I'd had in my posession for three years, it used to be my brothers you see. He was the oldest in our family of four and he was the one who made me feel safe. Protecting me from my drunk father or my agressive mum on a daily basis, he took a beating or two but always stayed strong. Until three years ago, where he just gave up and left, packed his bags and never kept in touch, so I had no one, but my guitar.

I dont talk about it a lot, no one at school knows, but they all tease me for the bruises I have, or my shyness or how I played guitar or wrote songs, anything they could think of was an excuse to play with my feelings. I had no one at school to comfort me.

I put down the pencil and proceded to dress myself for school, it was just a normal Monday morning, but my mum was being more calm due to my father out for a week in Amsterdam, but he was back tonight, and I was expecting something that wasnt a holiday pressie, but a little more sore and upsetting.

Just as I tightened the tie around my neck, my mum screamed from the kitchen to hurry myself up, but with more swearing involved, so I grabbed my bag filled with pencil and paper and then put my guitar in its case and slung it across my shoulder. Leaving for yet another day, or tormentation.

~ Drews Point Of View ~

Stuffing the last bit of burnt, dry toast into my mouth I walked into the bathroom to try and make my dirty grey shirt look a bit more white. Mum had forgotten to turn the washing machine on last night once she'd started on the vodka and I hadnt came in till twelve and didnt even notice, so I was left with last week's shirt that didnt look remotely clean whatsoever. I was lucky I had a black jumper to go over it, so if only I could whiten up the collar and spray some deodorant over it, I should be okay.

I caught my self in the mirror, my hair untouched since I woke up this morning and the bruise at the corner of my eyes from a scuffle with my uncle that i'll need to remember to cover with mums make up. I had to keep up to the usual Drew standards.

My name is was Drew and I lived in Suffolk with my mum, I was the class clown of the school with many girls lusting over me and the boys wanting to hang with me, but when I got home it was a completely different story, my mum was an alcoholic and my dad left one night and never came back. I was an only child and had to suffer my mums alcohol fuelled breakdowns on a daily basis. Not that anyone at school was aware, they thought I had cool parents who let me stay out late and drink of weekdays, but the truth was my mum was too drunk or in a deep sleep all night so she wasnt aware of the time I came in and I stole alcohol from her when she was out or sleeping.

I pulled my jumper over my slightly whiter shirt and grabbed my bag, pretty much empty because I never had the money to buy equipement and always lost my books, I was a useless pupil.

But I was looking forward to get to school to feel like I was the lead guy and I could make myself feel better by mocking the quieter kids of the class.

I should probably leave now.

It was 8:50, the bell wasn't due to go for another 10 minutes but I was already sat silently at my desk for first lesson. I'd half walked, half ran my way to school to avoid getting caught up amongst the more popular children who made it their duty to pick on me. I guess that was why I'd arrived a lot earlier than usual.

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