drunken memories and promises

341 13 5

~ Drews Point Of View ~

I woke up at about eight oclock, head killing me and back sore from the fact I was hanging half out my bed most of the night. The light coming from my open curtains was really killing me so early, a few more minutes in bed wouldnt be too bad. I lifted up the leg that had been hanging out of the covers all the night into bed and closed my eyes.

Is that..a leg?

A hairy leg..


The only thing I could think of doing was jumping out of bed and staring at him in shock. How did I manage to sleep in the same bed as Shane? Was I really that bad? Maybe I should shower and try and take my mind of this hoping he'll wake up and not know a thing. Yes, a nice warm shower.

The hot water ran down my body, heating me up and making me feel better than I did when I woke up. I was trying to remember what happened last night, although it was proving really hard. I can remember sitting with him while he stopped crying on my bed, sitting..I said something..he got snappy..I..

I fucking kissed him.

The shock caused me to slip in the shower, smacking my head hard off the shower glass, why did I kiss him? what was I trying to prove? why does drink always make me do stupid things, stupid, stupid things like kiss the boy i'd treated like shit for at least three years now and just apologised to..how am I to get out of this.

I could feel my self crying, no Drew dont be stupid its just soap in your eye, you're not crying over this..not crying like how you cry when you think of..dad..

Im just hoping Shane doesnt remember much, or i've got a lot to sort out.

~Shane's POV~

Blinding light landed on my eyelids, my eyes were closed but I was awake. Groaning, I buried my face into the pillow underneath my head.

But... this wasn't my pillow.

I lifted my head, confused and opened my eyes. My head was pounding and my brain was slow, so it took my eyes a while to adjust to the light in the room, but when they did, it all came flooding back.

I didn't remember much about last night- all I know is that I'd been drinking.. but even THAT was enough to worry me. Whenever I drank, it never ended well, and drinking in front of my school bully? What the fuck was I thinking?

I turned over in Drew's bed, looking around the room with weary eyes. Drew wasn't in here.. where was he?

I sat up and rubbed my eyes, holding my head in my hands. I wanted to remember exactly what had happened last night, but my head hurt too much to think- and in all honesty I wasn't sure if I WANTED to remember.

I moaned, standing up. At least I was still fully clothed.

"Maybe I can escape before I find out where Drew is," I thought to myself. It didn't actually seem like such a bad idea- I needed to get home. I wasn't sure what the situation was between me and Drew and I didn't want to stick around to find out. As far as I can remember Drew had always hated me..

My mind flashed back to last night and what had happened in Drew's bed. What the HELL was I thinking?

Shit. I needed to leave.

I grabbed my glasses from the bedside cabinet and darted out of the door, only to drop them again as I crashed into a recognisable figure; for the second time this week. Only this time it was slightly different.

Heart pounding, I reached down to grab my glasses off the floor and put them on. Drew was standing in front of me with just a towel covering him, his hair dripping.

"I... um, sorry, I thought you were still asleep."

"Um... I..."

"What's wrong, Shane?"

"I...I need to leave, thanks for letting me stay here, bye," I splurted, before darting out of the room again, only to trip over my own feet in a hurry. My head was still pounding.

Drew laughed.

"Shane, do you want some pain killers? Your head must kill after all the alcohol you drank last night."

I stopped, blood rushing only to my head and cheeks. Drew obviously remembered more about last night than I did.. but he seemed perfectly comfortable. What had happened?

"Um.. yea...yes please," I stuttered.

Holding out one hand whilst using the other to secure the towel around him, Drew helped me to my feet.

"Go sit on my bed, I'll let you go home once the tablet's have kicked in."

I did as I was told, collapsing onto the bed and groaning in pain. Drew came in a few seconds later with two tablets and a glass of water in his free hand. I sat up, and he smiled at me before saying,

"Shane, I think we might need to talk about what happened last night. Properly.



~Drews Point Of View~

I sat next to Shane in my towel, while he sipped on the water and swallowed the tablets, I knew we had to talk over things but I wasnt quite sure what to say. He looked so poorly and helpless, slumped against the wall, letting out groans.

"Shane, we kissed last night" I stated, I just thought that if I got it out there, it might be easier to talk about

"I know, I remember that, I wasnt that bad" Shane replied, taking his head out his hands and looking at me, I wasnt sure if he was meaning to sound so snappy but it was annoying me a lot.

"Well, what are we going to do about it?" I asked. I mean, my school status is the only thing I have to seem cool.

"Well, people say youre more truthful when you're drunk" Shane admitted. Looking down away from me, avoiding eye contact "but I mean, you bully me, so obviously you're a different kind of drunk"

My heart sank a bit, in all fairness I enjoyed that kiss but..

"Only way to find out is to do it again" I said, leaning in, Shane didnt move away, he moved closer.

Our lips locked and instead of regretting last night, I was kind of happy it was happening. We kissed again, again and again..before he pulled away and smiled. No words were exchange, just silent eye contact.

After the silence, Shane burst into giggles while I sat smiling, but I soon realised that if he told anyone about this, we'd be ruined, i'd be ruined, I had to tell him to keep it a secret.

"Sh..Shane?..Dont tell anyone okay?" I asked, he stopped laughing and put on a straight face..

"um. okay, we wont talk at school anyway, only the assignment, but..I wont say anything. If you promise not to tell about my family" He stuttered, looking away from me before putting the cup on the bedside table and standing up.

"see you tomorrow then, thank you" I whispered, he left, he was gone and I was sitting on my bed worrying about if anyone found out or if they laugh at the fact I have an assignment with him.

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