time to start a band.

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~ Drew's point of view ~

We left my house with my bass guitar in a bag slung around my shoulder and my hand in Shanes. The sun was slowly disappearing and the once pretty, cyan bright sky was turning grey, it was going to rain. I shut my gate and we proceeded round the corner to Kiers parents house. Kier seemed to be the only one out of Shanes three friends whom could actually tolerate me, he laughed at my jokes, stood by me when I smoked and would text me frequently, but then other two, they just couldn't come to terms with mine and Shane's relationship and would constantly ignore, cuss and give me no recognition so I was actually confused as to why I was asked to be the bassist for the band they were starting.

I didn't know what instruments either of them played apart from Shane was a guitarist and an extremely good guitarist at that. My hands were sweating profusely and I suddenly felt sorry for Shane whom was gripping tight on my hand, he must secretly want to let go. Kiers house was only a twenty minute walk from mine but it always felt so much longer when I was nervous. It was just then I realised me and Shane hadn't whispered a word to each other this walk, and now we were at Kiers door.

I took hold of the gold knocker on the ebony black door, i'd never been in Kiers house, only walked past it or walked Shane there, but i'd never even been through the gate. After I bashed the knocker hard, I took a quick glance around his garden. It was small, with a long drive way that must lead to the back, a lot of red and blue flowers and a pond, it looked so calm.

Kier opened the door and greeted us both with a massive smile, he was make up less, his hair was a brighter shade of red and he had no top on, despite this, he looked pretty good. Shane let go of my hand and walked in and I followed, trying not to bash my bass of any door ways and making myself like an idiot. We had to walk down a long hallway and up some carpet covered stairs until we got to the second floor. Kier over took us both and pulled down more stairs to what must be the attic, I could hear voices.

'just go up there, I will get some food' he grinned, so me and Shane walked up and Kier went down stairs.

Up in the attic was a platform, sort of like a mini stage, standing there was Luke and Laurence who sort of gave me a proper smile for once. I got to my feet and walked around, there was four amps, good ones, two microphones and some drumsticks lying on the floor. This looked like the perfect place to start..my first band.

Kier quickly followed us up with a bunch of take away menus.

'I couldn't find any decent food so I thought i'd order in a take away and ask my dad to get us a few beers?' he grinned, closing the attic entrance and throwing a menu or three at me.

'newest band member gets first choice of what we get!' he said, followed by a loud sigh from Laurence who flopped down on the seat and resting his forehead on the tip of his fingers.

'don't get him to pick, he will choose something I can't eat Kier! ' he complained.

I put my head down as I stared at the menus, pizza, Chinese or chippy? I hadn't eaten any kind of takeaway meal in so long that it was proving difficult to pick. I heard a tut coming from Shane as he took the menus off me and handed Kier the pizza shop one.

'everyone likes pizza, there's a deal on, the delivery is quick, sorted' he said, before smiling at me and sitting next to Laurence.

I smiled back, yeah, pizza does sound good.

Luke picked up the drumsticks that were lying on the floor when I came in before proceeding to the drum kit and making himself comfortable. I never knew that he was the drummer but looking at him sit at the drum kit so naturally gave it away. He started to hit some drums and make a rhythm pretty quick. It set me off into a daydream as I stared at him.

He was a very good drummer, he looked the part, he had a part of his hair shaved and the beginnings of a beard growing. The boy was just eighteen and had left school from what Shane had told me. He had a few tattoos and occasionally wore eyeliner. I'd never had a proper conversation with him, Luke really seemed to hate me, he seemed to have a growing hatred for me day by day yet never seemed to give me a reason. I didn't particularly mind if he didn't like me, it just made it harder to hang around with them and Shane. Deep down I hoped being in a band with the talented young boy would make us bond.

I looked over at Laurence who'd picked up pencil and paper and began writing. I wasn't sure what he was writing.. song lyrics? a short story? a novel? just a note? whatever it was he seemed very focused. Today he wore glasses his hair sweeping across his face. No eyeliner or Amy sort of make up was on his face, he looked natural and a lot more different like Kier did today. Laurence, out of him and Luke seemed to dislike me the most, complaining at everything I said, tutting, sighing..anything to get me away from him, but from what Shane had told me, he was a lovely boy, I just got on the wrong side of him.

'Drew? helloooooo....??'

My daydreams were broken by the scent of pepperoni pizza wafting through the air, the smell of heaven. The sound of the drums stopped and Laurence put down his pen and paper. Shane sat next to me and Kier brought us all over a bottle of beer.

'having deep thought were you?' Shane giggled. He must of saw me staring at Laurence and Luke for at least five minutes each, I really need to stop that daydreaming stuff.

I tore a slice of pizza, it looked so heavenly, I hadn't had a pizza since my dad left me, this was something so rare, having pizza was actually exciting me. If this is what band life is like, I could easily get used to it.

~Shanes POV ~

Laurence chucked down the crust of his vegetarian pizza, sighing.

'Can we start now? I need to be home for ten' he asked, standing up.

Quiet chuckles came from Kier who seemed to find it funny that his best friend needed to go home so early, but he stood up also and picked up his guitar starting to strum away. Luke proceeded to the drum kit and a nodded at Drew to signal him to get his bass out, we were ready to go.

We all stood on the raised floor stage, holding our instruments, it was all well and easy for the original four of us to play together, but Drew had no idea what to do.

'Err Drew, play us something and we will try join in?' Kier suggested.

I looked over at Drew, he looked more nervous than he did the day we first walked down the streets holding hands, he looked like if he could disappear right now he would. I found my self walking over to him and kissing him softly on the lips and putting his fingers softly on the strings.

'try that' I whispered in his ear 'then that' I said, moving is fingers 'then that' kissing his cheek quickly and walking back to my spot. He smiled at me and started playing, it happens to be what Laurence had wrote to be played for his song, Palace In Flames.

Laurence's face lit up a bit, before he started to play along, Luke started up, I began...then for a few seconds it felt like the sweet blissful sound of us all getting along and making sweet music. I looked over at Drew one last time, concentration plastered over his face with a massive beaming smile, I felt so warm inside. Just looking at him and seeing him happy made me sort of forget all my problems at home, my boyfriend right now was more than happy, everything was going right for him and that made me feel better.

~ Drews pov~

We sounded pretty good, I sounded pretty good, we were making sweet, sweet music. I kept catching Shane look at me from the corner of my eye, it gave me a little more confidence, but soon the song was finished and all I wanted to do was carry on, but Laurence put down his guitar.

'I need to go, I will have lyrics by tomorrow, come down to the cafe after school you two, bye' he rushed, leaving down the stairs.

I glanced at my watch, its eight thirty, if we leave now I can walk Shane home then get home in time. Luke chucked his drumsticks on the floor and chucked himself onto Kiers sofa, while Shane put his guitar in his bag and slung it over his shoulder, waiting for me to do the same. He took my hand.

'you done really well' he assured, squeezing my hand as we walked to the door, that made me feel good inside.

Let the music guide you Drew.Where stories live. Discover now