Let down and back to normal

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I was all prepared, sitting in class, early.

I know it sounded geeky, but I actually couldnt wait to read out this assignment and that was why I made the effort to sit in class early. Although something was wrong, Shane wasnt there. Shane was always early to class, always. All I could think was 'He will be late, he will come in on the bell Drew, he will', besides, I wanted to sit with him at lunch, if he said that was okay, I wasnt in the mood for hanging out the back of the school with a cigarette stuffing some cheap crisps in my mouth this lunchtime, I wanted a civilised chat, not talking about what girls I want to get on or whatever.

The bell went, I sat there, tie high, in my usual seat, waiting for everyone to come in..waiting for Shane to come in. The class filled, there was Jaimie, Luke, Jim, Mandy, Sarah, Angus, Danny, Liam..but no Shane. Danny plonked himself next to me, stinking of fags, expecting me to greet him with the usual handshake, but not today, I was just staring at the door, staring there for a small figure with a guitar run down the hallway and creep into class, but no, no one came.

The teacher closed the door, counting heads in the class before sitting on the computer and filling out the register, I greeted Danny and slumped in my chair. Shane was an arse, why did I even apologise to him? he's now put me in such an embarrassing position, why the fuck did I come to school early? why did I want to spend lunch with him? why would I do that when I could smoke and discuss hot girls? why am I such an idiot, oh well, lets not treat him well from now on, he has no excuse, I couldnt care less.

~ Shanes Point Of View ~

I lay in bed in silence, want to moan with pain but I couldnt, I had to stay quiet. It was just then that I realised we had that assignment thing today, that presentation in front of the class..Drew will be there..and im not? shit!

I found myself jumping out my bed and running to my shower, if I was quick, i'd make it, im sure of it. I could hear some stirring and movement from my parents room but I could care, I needed to get to school for the love of Drew.

The shower swept all the blood from my body down the drain, I stood watchig it swirling down and disappearing, I wish my feelings disappeared like that, how good would that be? Shut up shane, you're distracting yourself! I stepped out the shower, ignoring all my pain and rubbing my body dry with my favourite royal blue towel, sorry, un needed information there. I ran back to my room and shoved on my clothes, quickly, very quickly..but my bruises, I had bruises on my face..and theres nothing I could do about them.

~ Drews point of view ~

I was on next, but I felt too angry and let down to even focus on what any of the others were saying, i was jealous all of them had a partner they actually wanted and I didnt, I was stuck with lousy Shane, and this was pissing me off. I sat there with my fist holding up my face, I could of fell asleep if I wanted to.

"Who you with then?" Danny asked, tapping my shoulder, bringing me back to the real world

"Fucking Shane Sumner amnt i?!" I complained, sitting up "yourself mate?"

Danny winked at me and sat up too "Mandy Green, lets just say the assignments is..half finished" he winked again, giving me a cheeky smile, kinky bastard.

The pair finished their talk and sat down

"Shane and Drew?" the teacher called, I stood up, taking a big gulp and walked to the front of the class.

Everyone stared at me, I guess it was time to start.

"Hey lads, Shane is here cause he's a massive douche, and like me, thinks Bonding is a stupid topic to learn at our age, so lets talk about a little thing us guys like, Bondage" I annouunced, the classes jaws dropped while I smiled, looking at all my friends, in tears of laughter, this is what I like.

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