the date.

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~Drews pov Friday night~

Shane would be over in a matter of minutes and I'd just set up the small table in the corner of the room up for a meal. Just a meal then up to bed, yes, sounds like a decent night to celebrate two months together. The texts from Kier had been niggling the back of my head the whole day, was I expected stuff? would he want stuff? with me? I wasn't too sure and I doubt I'd be any of good.

A ring of the doorbell filled my house and I shot to the door to see Shane. He wore black, worn out skinny jeans and a band top hidden with a green hoodie he looked kind of cute standing there so casually dressed.

"So where's your dad?" he asked, looking in as usually my dad shoots to the door to see who it is or you can hear him from the other end of the house.

"He's urm..out, it's just us" I grinned, letting him and closing the door firmly behind me

"but..weren't we meant to help him do something today?" Shane asked, turning round looking ever so confused.

"haha, no silly" I chirped, barging past him into my living room "happy two months Shane!"

Shanes face lit up as he sat at the table closest to the door "a meal? this is so cute Drew!" he exclaimed, smiling uncontrollably looking at the second set of flowers I'd bought to put at the table, roses, red ones, special roses I remember my dad buying every Thursday for my mum before he left, she always loved them and evidentially so did Shane. I ran through to get the food, it was a chippy, but you know, who say fish and chips cant be slightly romantic huh?

~Shanes POV~

Butterflies were in my stomach not a usual feeling for me around Drew. He came through with two plates with fish and chips, which I had no problem with, in fact, I was hoping for fish. He sat down and we exchanged awkward eye contact and theres where it happened, I got my first..'sexual feelings'

He passed me a plate with an awkward smile, I took it and returned the gesture. "Thanks," I said, putting the plate down in front of me and picking up my fork. "Shane..." Drew asked so quietly it was barely audible. "Mm?" "It's our 2 month anniversary and so far all we've done is hugged and made out a little.." My cheeks flared red and it made chewing the mouthful of food I was currently eating difficult. Drew didn't raise his head or look me in the eye once, just sat there eating awkwardly quickly. Nerves, I was guessing. "I...erm. Are you suggesting something?" I asked after swallowing my mouthful. " Of course not. I'm going to my room." Drew finished his meal with two last speedy mouthfuls and pushed his chair back, leaving his plate where it was as he stood up and left the room. I put my fork down onto my plate and stood up to follow him, despite the fact I'd only eaten roughly half of my meal.

Drew was sat on his bed awkwardly flicking through the music on his iPod when I came in. I sat down next to him, angling my body towards him. "Urr... anything you want to listen to? I could put some Iron Maiden on, I don't mi-" I cut him off with a sudden chuckle, which made Drew look up at me in shock. "Drew, there's no need to be so nervous. Why are you acting like this?" "Like what?" "I don't know... timid." "It's our two month anniversary.. I feel like you're expecting something big from me but I don't know what to do. I haven't got anything planned. I'm a little scared that you'll get bored of me." My eyebrows knotted in confusion, but as I caught Drew looking at me through anxious eyes I smiled. His posture relaxed a little after that. "Drew did you honestly think I'd get bored of you? People haven't done in the past so why should I? You have hundreds of friends. If anything, I thought you'd get bored of me." Drew chuckled and looked away, biting his lip. He looked so adorable and manipulative when he was nervous, and I wasn't going to lie, it turned me on a little. I knew that Drew wasn't going to be the one making the first move tonight, so I took my chances, and softly cupped his cheek in my hand to turn his face towards me, before leaning in to bite his lip. Drew let out a gasp of air as I kissed him, sliding my tongue against his and feeling his hot breath catch with mine. I could feel his pulse raise under his hot skin, and his breathing quickened. I moved my hand from his cheek to the back of his head, locking my fingers in his hair so I had full control over his head, pushing his lips further into mine. I only let him pull back for breath once, and as he gasped for air I took the opportunity to push him backwards and climb on top of him. I was now in full control of his body.

I had moved onto kissing his neck, I needed to cure these sexual fantasies unusually swirling through my head and so far it was going well, apart from we were fully clothed and his door was wide open but I couldn't let him go unless he had second thoughts and we didn't do anything. I removed my lips from his neck and lifted my self off so I was sitting with each leg on either side of his hips. Unzipping my hoodie as drew watched.

"Well, aren't you going to do the same? no fun clothed you know" I winked and Drew obediently took off his t-shirt revealing chest, which for going out for two months, I'd never seen. He smiled as I took off my t-shirt and kissed him again, I was close to undoing my belt, but maybe we will wait till later..

~Drew's POV~

I couldn't believe we were doing this. I'd never pictured myself as a nervous person at all, but I was scared. I'd never done this before- I was pretty sure Shane hadn't either but he was doing so well at being in control so far.. and I liked it. We'd been dating for 2 months and this was the first time I'd seen his bare chest- and fuck, it was gorgeous. . .I could feel his bulge press up against the inside of my leg, making me groan under my breath, which Shane picked up on and his lips pulled up into a sexy half-smile before pressing them against my own, nibbling at the skin of my lips. I couldn't take it any more, I didn't know it was possible to be this aroused. I moved my hands towards his belt buckle and started fiddling but Shane pulled away to look me straight in the eye, his sexy half smile still on his face, before grabbing my hands and pinning them above my head. I groaned, knowing he wouldn't let me free and he would be able to fully control me. Shane nibbled my neck and ear before whispering, "We need to get you some handcuffs if this is going to become a regular thing." His hot breath against my neck made me moan once more and grind my hips up against his. Shane carefully removed one hand from pinning mine down, but he still had enough strength in one arm to keep me securely pinned in place. With his other hand, he slowly started unbuttoning my jeans and tugging them down whilst kissing and biting softly at my neck. As soon as my jeans were at my ankles I kicked them off carelessly and struggled against Shane's arm. "Now," he said, looking me up and down- undressing me with his eyes. "If I move my arm you're going to have to promise me something." "Anything. What is it?" "You have to promise me that you will keep your arms where they are." I groaned in disapproval, but that just made Shane's grip on me tighten. "Alright... I promise." "You'd better mean that. I don't want to have to punish you." With that last line I let out another deep moan, causing Shane to bite his lip and smile, slowly loosening his grip. I did as I was told. I didn't move my arms, but I closed my eyes so I wasn't tempted to. Shane slowly started kissing down my chest and towards my v-line, leaving a trail of hot electric touches on my skin. My breathing quickened as he got to my boxer line and got the elastic between his teeth, pulling my boxers down. I kicked them off as he brought them to my ankles, and as soon as I put my feet back down Shane separated my legs by pressing his body between them. My arms twitched as I struggled to keep them in place, feeling Shane's boner under his jeans rub against my bare legs. "Oh, this is going to be fun," he chuckled, taking my penis in his hand.

The next few minutes were filled with extreme sexual arousement and pleasure, soft groans came from me ever so often. "oooh you like that do you?" he asked, looking up and stopping for a second to my disappointment kissing me hard on the lips. It was getting harder and harder to keep my hands in place..this was a much more interesting date. I closed my eyes as he carried on, this was my first sexual experience of a guy holding my privates but it was better than any other girl had tried during my slutty non committed days, in fact, I'd never felt so good.

Shane flopped on the bed and giggled, 'fun was it?' he asked, I nodded in response and reacted quickly to the snib on the door clicking indicating my parents were home. I didn't want to end what Shane had begun but I didn't want my parents to find out about us, it wouldn't help strengthen mine and my dads relationship, Infact I had a dream he moved out because of it. I pulled up my skinnies and lay on my bed with my iPod in my hands like half an hour ago and Shane dashed to the toilet.

Even though we'd got dressed quick, I was still scared that my dad would sense something. He hates gays, he always had, I remember being young and watching Hollyoaks when Jean Paul came out and he went crazy calling him a disgrace. It hurt me that if I came out now he'd disown me and never look at me the same again.

I flicked through my iPod as my dad came up the stairs, my heart skipping fast.

Let the music guide you Drew.Where stories live. Discover now