Am I just another Hopeless romantic?

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The train ground to hault and people started to stand up and head to the doors. I guess this was Edinburgh. In all honesty I'd found the lack of sheep and men in kilts extremely disappointing and, if I had a kilt of my own I would totally be wearing it right now. I got up myself and slung my heavy bag over my back. The doors of the train opened slowly and a flood of probably not Scottish people rushed out, including me. They all looked so busy, they had somewhere to go, places to be and people to see. Me? I wasn't so sure how this day will go and I was also pretty damn lost, stuck in a see of people barging into me and shouting in broad accents. You totally don't it this bad where I live.

I walked slowly along the platform until I got to the main part of the station, lots of shops and lots of people, taxis swooning in and out almost knocking pedestrians over while they did so. The smell of fresh cookie dough and coffee was filling my lungs (although I was slightly expecting haggis). I trawled to the counter of Millie's Cookies and order myself a strong espresso, hoping it'd prep me for the day ahead before sitting on the bench and watching the day go by.

I took out my phone, for some reason I was hoping for Shane's name to be plastered on my screen indicating he'd texted me, but nothing, just a text from mum to see I got there safely. I gulped my espresso down, feeling a rush of energy fill me. The station was cold and not even my jacket was helping in this situation, or the coffee for that matter. The time was eight fourty two, I had so much time to waste yet I had no idea where I was or where to go, I just knew I was here for Shane, to show him I loved him.

I feel like a hopeless romantic, I have imagined the day in hundreds of perfect and ideal scenarios yet in the back of my head I had visions of him walking away or not even turning up. I'd came all the way to tell a boy that I used to mock every living day..that I loved him, and right now, he has no idea.

A man came and sat down on the bench next to me, he had a coffee and two large bags, he looked about fourty.

"Don't mind if I sit here do you?" He asked in a broad Glaswegian accent

"Not at all" I answered, his eyes glinted as I replied.

"What brings and English teen like you to Scotland at this early hour?" He questioned giving me his full attention.

I gulped,mi wasn't sure whether to tell him the truth or not, would he find me stupid? Maybe he is homophobic? Maybe I'm stupid?

"Is it to win the heart of a Scottish girl?" The man joked, I laughed.

"No, well kind of, I mean, I'm trying to get my boyfriend back" I replied, mumbling slightly towards the end but not avoiding eye contact with him.

"Boyfriend? How courageous of you, all the way from..let me guess..Norwich..area? Is he from here?" He asked, to my surprise he was pretty intrigued in the reason I'd came all the way up to what I like to call Haggis land.

" he is from my town, he moved here a few days ago, a lot of reasons..I just want to you know, show him I love him" I giggled nervously.

An announcement called saying a train to Glasgow as leaving in five minutes. The man put his hand on my shoulder.

"Good luck then" he rushed, picking up his bag and running along to his train.

I sat up, it finally dawned on me, I'm here to get my boyfriend back, why wait in the station forever, I need to find Shane!!

I lifted my bag and left my espresso cup sitting in the holder, running up to the escalators frantically. That man wished me luck, a man I didn't knows wished my luck and it gave me a spark of confidence,this was my chance to make one of my perfect scenarios real.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2013 ⏰

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