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~ Drews Point Of View ~

I lay in my bed, I had such a childish room, it hadnt been fully updated since I was at least twelve. The walls were bright blue, I had my disgraceful writing plastered all over the walls and my curtains were from that movie called 'Cars' in which i'd had an obsession with for quite a while when I was younger. My covers were stained from all sorts of things, it was embarrassing so I never let anyone stay or come round, which always makes my friends suspicious. I mean, I was one of the most popular boys in my year yet i'd never held a house party or had girls round. It made me feel so ashamed.

The walls between mine and my mums room were thin, therefore I could hear her loud snores coming from her deep sleep. I sighed heavily and closed my eyes, there was nothing really to do when I was alone, I didnt play instruments haha, im not gay, I didnt have decent movies and my earphones had broke, not that I really listened to music ever anyway. Thats embarrassing.

I had what many people would class as a decent music taste, I liked bands, not charts, but i'd never admit it to anyone, they'd take the mick out of me for not liking Nicki Minaj or a bit of Cheryl Cole. Infact most of my life and what I liked was a secret.

My phone was flashing bright showing I had quite a few messages to answer, yet the thought of moving over to check them seemed tiring, so I left it and rolled to the other side of my bed, closing my eyes. It was only ten a.m on the first day of my exclusion and I was already bored.

My mind tended to wander when I closed my eyes, I started to think of my life when I was younger, we had a normal family.

I remember sitting on the sofa, the room smelling strongly of chicken, my mum had cleaned up and put the dinner on for my hard working dad to come home. She had layed the table and had bought a cake from the shop down the road because my dad was having a meeting that we all thought would promote him or something. Little did we know it was a little different.

At this time I was about ten, six years ago, when I was just about to leave primary as one of the youngest in year at school, but anyway, my dad came in the door, flinging his suitcase onto the floor and getting changed, not even a hello, nothing, I knew something was wrong, my 'daddy' never done that.

When it was dinner time he cracked open a bottle of whisky my auntie had given him for christmas, the scent of the strong alcoholic drink filling the room. He looked so stressed and uneased, like he needed to say something but couldnt find the words to make it all come out right. Soon though, just as mother was about to clear up our dinner plates, he announced something that changed out family forever.

"I have no job" he sighed, taking another swig of dark amber coloured whisky.

My mum let a plate slip to the floor as her mouth dropped and she just stood there, staring blankly at my father. At this age I wasnt really aware what kind of impact that would have on us. Soon thought, an alcoholic beverage would be opened every night, every day, parties till late, depression, arguing and then my dad had a few lovers on the go, then, three years ago, he left, never to come back. Leaving my mum depressed and drunk. My teenhood ruined.

I opened my eyes again, gasping for air, looking round my room to see it basically what it was like when I was actually ten, I could feel my eyes getting sore and salty tears began to form, no, dont cry dont cry.

~ Shanes Point Of View ~

It was a quarter to 4 and I was finally home. I yanked off my tie and threw my bag down onto the table the moment I got in, mum wasn't home, she would be at the airport waiting for dad. I was stressed enough already today, dad coming home would just add to everything. I wasn't looking forward to it. Kicking my shoes off I dragged my guitar upstairs to my room and threw myself onto my bed, pulling my guitar out of its case. This was the only way I knew how to relax. Fuck the fact that people thought I was gay because of it. Fuck the fact that Drew..Shit, that reminded me.In last lesson today- science- I'd been assigned a project to do. Usually I'd just get on with it- no problems- but this was different.. my teacher had partnered me up with Drew.I'd tried staying behind after school for five minutes to change her mind and re-assign us- but she didn't care. "Miss, I can't work with Drew..""Why not, Shane? You're not like this. You just get on with things, you don't usually give me trouble, so why now?""Drew hates me, miss..""Don't be silly, Shane. You'll get along fine. Nobody else has complained, so neither should you. I'll see you Monday."After that, she picked up her bag and left. I could say or do no more about it. It was a Friday, so I couldn't go in and talk to her over the weekend, either. The project was due on Monday, which meant that I'd have to spend the weekend with Drew; there was no way around it.I swallowed, trying to shift the lump that was forming in my throat, but my mouth was dry. Maybe I could do the assignment on my own, and just write Drew's name on it alongside mine? I'm sure he wouldn't mind..Just except seeing as Drew has been excluded our teacher will contact his parents asking for evidence that he's done it. And if he hasn't, then they won't have evidence.There was literally no other option, I was going to have to go round his over the weekend and do this. No doubt away from school he'll just bully me more.. away from teachers and anyone who could get him into trouble for it. At his house there was no way to stop it, and there wouldn't be at mine, either. Mum wouldn't care, and neither would dad. I was cornered.

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