Chapter 13: "Calm down Sky..."

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                                                                                       Sky's POV

"I'm gonna kill Fawn when she comes back, then throw her into a pool of lava and watch her die again!" I screamed, and threw a chair at the wall. It cracked a little when it felt the impact of the chair.

"Sky, just calm down.." Deadlox, or rather Enderlox replied calmly. "Just breath in, and breath out." He demonstrated, but it only made me angrier.

"Oh my Notch Ty! That's not going help!" I screamed, throwing a chair at him to show him just how mad I was. Now, Ender beings do not feel pain unless they feel water or are hit with weapons, but a chair will bring the point across well. He gave me an angry glare, and I think I blushed.

*I throw a chair at Sky, then assume my self as invisible. "Aww, so cute.."

*Sky mutters a few words and continues on.

"Do you think I wanted my budder collection to get blown to bits?" I shouted, unable to control myself anymore. "You think?!"

Ty whipped around and put his finger on my chest. Or should I say his claw? Whatever, on with the story! "Do you think I wanted this?" Ty screamed at me, his heart pounding. He gestured to his ender dragon features. "You think I wanted to become part ender dragon? You can always get another gold collection, but you'll never, ever be able to get rid of this."

He growled at me and stomped out of the room. I stared in silence, then the tears came. I couldn't help myself anymore. Tears went down like waterfalls as I grabbed a mirror. My brine eyes were showing, and I didn't care anymore. Ty was right, my 'gold' collection wasn't a big deal.

I slumped forward in my seat, wondering, pondering. How did I become so ever self-obsessed? I was no better than anyone else. Although I was part Brine, it was more of a blessing than a curse. Sure, it could get intense and start a war, but imagine if you didn't have powers you liked. Powers that were forced upon you?

I dragged my feet along the ground as  I walked toward the butter ruins. As I was walking there, I got an idea. Why not see dad, I mean, it was a long time since. And I might need to apologize for the war I might have caused. Whoops.

I decided to teleport to dad. It wasn't something that I prefer, but it was the quickest way there. I quickly teleported to the palace to find myself face-to-face with Fawn.

"W-w-what are you doing here?" I asked quickly, pushing Fawn away from me.

"Ooooohh, nothing really. Just waiting for you to calm down.." she said calmly, gesturing to a very scary drawing of the angry Skydoesminecraft screaming for all done destruction of the squids. I chuckled nervously at the drawing, and did so because my resume wouldn't look very good if everyone found out the squid war was a foolish game.

"Uh, do you have an idea of what to say when you explain the Squid King didn't provoke you?" she asked. "I mean, didn't a lot of people die in the war two years back?"


I could remember everything so vividly. The battle was raging everywhere. The Squid King was all that was focused on my mind. Any squid that got in the way would be obliterated by me or my forces. Nothing was going to stop me. It was then that a hooded figure entered the view of everyone and smashed down a potion that effected everyone within battle space except the squids and the two of us. Everyone fell down and fell asleep, some snoring loudly.

She glared at me under her cloak and spoke what seemed like gibberish. After a while would I realize that it was Squidish they were speaking. The squid nodded and spoke to the Squid King. He looked at me for a long second.

"Sky, you think of me as evil, but when will you learn to accept the truth?" The Squid King spoke, gesturing to the troops all now asleep. He changed into his human form. "How will you break it to them now? If you declare a truce, we'll bring back the dead."

"W-What?" I asked, blinking my eyes twice. "Only Herobrine can bring them back."

The Squid King laughed. "We never killed them! Our swords only make them seem dead and they vanish. They only fall into a prison that's more like a hotel. A home away from home." He snapped his fingers, and all the so-thought dead, returned, looking groggy.

"So what is it Sky?" the cloaked figure said, making her way through the sleeping. "Will you accept the truce?"

I looked all around, looking at all the recruits that thought that Sky was right, that squids were everyone's nightmare. It would take long explaining, but it would work. A voice inside my head protested. "It would defeat the purpose of the Sky army! Don't do it!" I pushed away the thought and shook my head. The Squid King gave a welcome smile and put out his hand. I shook it, wincing a little. That, would need getting used to. "I accept."

"Good choice Sky." the cloaked figure said. Just before vanishing, she said last words. "We will meet again." And she was gone.

                                                              End of Flashback

"Uh Sky?" a voice echoed, and I shook away the memories.

"Uh yes?"

"That was intense."

"Yeah, but could you tell me where Herobrine is?"

Second door down the hallway, see ya."

"See ya."

I speed-walked down the hall and hesitated to open the door. What if he was super mad at me? Fawn had exceptions, but I've known him for five years now. He probably didn't care anymore. Or did he? There was only one way to see. I opened the door and it squeaked on its hinges.

"Well, then.. What an unexpected surprise..." a voice said quietly, every word slurred. The figure turned around and I found myself staring into the eyes of Herobrine. "I never thought you'd show your face again..."

I sheepishly tapped my toes on the ground. "Yeah... About that. I-"

He put up his hand. "I know that you're sorry for all that dilemma. Besides, why sit inside and talk about boring old rivalries when we can do your favorite Nether sport?"

I groaned about the talk like this. It was about ten years ago that we'd done this, and even if we were to race again, my champion had retired. "I'm not ghast racing Father.." I hissed.

He crossed his hands like a 3-year old and pouted. "Why, that's no way to talk to your father.. It'll be fun.." He walked out the door, but before he left, he said a few words. "Plus, the ghasts are waiting."


I can't believe I'm already on the thirteenth chapter of this story! :D Anyways, I'm going to let submissions for characters continue, because I'm not going to stop anytime soon. See ya my creepers!

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