Chapter 21: The End Battle

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Fawn's POV

As Flower and I entered the portal, I saw glowing red eyes. A maniacal laugh echoed through the cavern. I grimaced as I entered the portal, knowing that something, or someone was after me.
We entered the End, stumbling as I went. I squinted as I adjust to the darkness. It was always nighttime, and just barely seeable. I could see Sander flying in the darkness above us, and endermen teleported around us, cheering us on. I could see the finish line next to the tallest obsidian tower, and my dad waved at me.

We glided through the air and were just about to reach the finish when the whole world shook as an explosion broke. A figure emerged out of the smoke, and endermen hissed as he walked through the smoke.

"Hello brother, hi Fawn. Been a while, hasn't it?" Notch said, stroking his beard. He grinned as he grabbed my arm.

"Get off." I gritted, and shoved him away. I pulled up Serphentis (my obsidian sword). It hissed menacingly.

"What do you want Notch?" Herobrine growled.

"Well, a few things more like it." Notch replied. "Its time you took your place in the world."

"Umm, dad?" I said. "What is he talking about?"

Notch pulled me closer to him. "He never told you that you were a mistake in the world?"

"What?" I choked out. "It's a lie, right?"

Herobrine shook his head, but Notch laughed. "You see Fawn, you were supposedly another boss people would need to verse, but Herobrine hid you and took you in. In his attempts to turn you normal, he gave you a few powers, and gave you the power to control creepers. Makes you who you are. The day I stormed your castle, you were gone. You were supposed to die."

I cried silently, when a certain voice interrupted the whole conservation.

"Looking for someone?" Sky said, as he jumped down form his ghast. He and his ghast were dressed in gold armor(typical), and were holding golden swords(even more typical). A smudge of butter was on Sky's face.

"You're going down." Sky yelled, and plunged his sword toward Notch. He deflected it, and his armor showed up, Iron Man style. The large, curved blade shone on his arm.

"You can't beat me!" he screeched. "I. AM. NOTCH!" He raised the blade and I blocked it with Serphentis. He tried to break it, but I rammed him with my foot. Serphentis glided toward Notch, and I stabbed Notch's shoulder. He groaned, and his eyes flared. Then, unexpectedly, he plundged the blade of his weapon into my foot.

I groaned, and stumbled forward. I tried to grab Notch, but he smiled. He grabbed me, and the last thing I could remember was the fading cries of my dad and brother.

Ohhhh, I bet you didn't see that coming. Let's see how this all ends.

See ya later creepers!

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