Midnight Candles

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When I was 16, I was diagnosed with Chondrosarcoma. It's a rare form of bone cancer that isn't commonly found in people under twenty, which should have surprised me more when I found out but it didn't. I knew something was wrong and I could feel it in my bones, pun fully intended. I've spent the last two years in a hospital with my family desperately clinging to the hope that maybe I would get better, even though they knew there was more of a chance of Elvis coming back than me living past the age of 19. Crappy but true, and if dying has taught me anything then it's that you have to be a realist. No point in believing in fairytales if you know you're not going to have a Happily Ever After.

The doctors gave me another year and a half at the most six months ago, and the Genies gave me a wish and I spent it on something I've wanted since I was 15. Meeting my favorite band was supposed to be easy. I was supposed to wake up and get ridiculously dressed up and giggle until they thought I was annoying, because that's easy. My best friend was supposed to take a stupid amount of pictures of us when they weren't looking and then we were supposed to freak out about it for the next month until we both ran out of things to recall, because that was easy too.

But life has never been fair to me and nothing is ever easy, so it's pretty accurate to say that the boys from 5 Seconds of Summer didn't get what they bargained for when they showed up at the hospital. Not that I'm complaining, that day lead to some of the most amazing memories I've ever had and I wouldn't trade them for anything. Not even the cure for cancer. And this how my story begins, in a hospital room that's grown too small for me and the feeling that some things do actually matter no matter how small they seem.

Hey guys!

So I want it to be known that some of the things in the story will probably be an educated medical guess or completely made up. I tried googling the survival rate of the type of cancer and it didn't give it to me, so that's getting made up. Also, the story behind Lilly and her best friend will be taken from how my best friend and I met in real life and from things we've done before. Some of them might be a little out there, but we've never really had a normal friendship. The chapter titles will probably be random and have nothing to do with the story, but it's okay. I'll try to do little updates at least once a week, so it might take forever for this book to actually get finished and I apologize in advance. I know long author notes are boring, but I thought I should tell you guys.

Stay lovely!

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