Small Bump

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"You were just a small bump unborn, four months and then torn from life."

We left the restaurant after that, with me crying and Mason out for blood and Michael quiet. I was gonna tell him when the time was right, when I could say it and he wouldn't look at me like he was now; like he pitied me and my past. I wiped the tears off of my face and took giant gulps of fresh air so that I would calm down a little bit. Mason muttered under her breath the entire walk back to the hospital and Michael was still quiet, lost in thoughts that I didn't want to know for once. I was scared to know, honestly. When we got to the hospital and up to my room, Mason and I changed slowly like we were buying our time until we had to face a very unpredictable Michael. Mason drug me out of the bathroom and to my bed where she pushed me down on it and then did the same to Michael, making up sit face to face before sitting beside me and rubbing my back. "The thing about Lilly Ann's family is simple, really. They're awful people and I honestly don't know how she's related to them." Mason said quietly and Michael nodded in agreement, which made me calm down a little bit. It meant that he wasn't as mad as I thought he was going to be. I leaned onto Mason's shoulder and let out a long sigh before launching into my story. "When I was 15, I fell in love with my brother's best friend. It worked for a while, we were together for a year and four months when everything went to shit. He raped me. I didn't tell anyone but Mason and broke up with him. I could live with no one knowing, you've met my family. And then I started throwing up. Mason got her mom to take me to the doctor and I found out I was pregnant. I was so scared but I was so happy, too. I wanted a family and I would love that baby even though it's daddy was a monster. It would have been my own little miracle. And then right when I was starting to show, I went to the doctor and found out I was sick. So sick that the baby died less than two weeks later. My sister found me in the bathroom, curled up in a ball and covered in what was left of that precious miracle. And we had to tell my parents, we couldn't ignore the fact that I was pregnant. But when I told them they didn't believe me and my brother was so angry that he started yelling that I was a liar and that's why it was so easy for him to believe his best friend. He didn't want to know the truth. And that's one of the reasons my sister can't stand to look at me anymore. She is healthy and can't have kids and I was sick and could have them and then it was like I took her chances of a family away from her, like I somehow knew and just wanted her to be miserable. That's the reason my parents always say I'm out for attention. And I'm so, so sorry that you had to find out about it from them. I was gonna tell you, but when I knew you could handle it and we had been together for a while and when I knew it wouldn't fuck anything up."  Mason kissed me on top of the head and laced her fingers with mine like it was going to keep me anchored through this entire thing. I hoped it would. Michael scrubbed his face with his fist and shook his head, looking up the ceiling and I could feel my heart dropping down into my stomach. "I just need to think, okay? I'm not angry. This is just a lot to take in and I need some time." Michael said and then he was gone, closing the door softly behind him and leaving us all alone. Mason held me while I cried and until I fell asleep, whispering that she wasn't going to leave me because she never has.

Michael's POV

"Don't you fucking touch her! Do you hear me?! Touch her and I'll kill you!" I looked at the boys and we took off running to Lilly's room. Mason was yelling at the top of her lungs and two guys were holding her like she was going to follow through with her threats. "Mason!" Luke yelled and she turned her head to look at us, pissed off and out for blood. "Get him away from her! Now, before I rip all their fucking heads off and play soccer with them!" Mason was very scary when she was angry. I rushed past her and let the boys deal with two guys holding her, walking into Lilly's room to find her backed against a corner with tears streaming down her face and some guys sneering at her from across the room. "What the hell is going on?!" I yelled and Lilly run to me when she realized I was in the room. "Make him leave." she sobbed and I turned to him, clenching my fist at my sides. I had no idea what he had done but he made Lilly cry and that was not okay with me. "Leave. Now, before I physically kick your ass out of here." I growled and the guy scoffed, rolling his eyes at me. "She's not worth my time anyway. Hope you have fun with my sloppy seconds." He walked out of the door and Lilly cringed into my side. I heard him call to his friends and I put my arms around Lilly and picked her up, carrying her to the bed and getting in it with her. "Shhh, baby it's okay." I soothed, rubbing her back until she stopped crying. "Wanna talk about it?" I asked and she shook  her head, wiping her tears away with the sleeve of the shirt she was wearing and did it anyway. "He's the one. My brothers best friend. Melody said someone was here to see me and I had hoped it was you so I let them in and it was him. I don't know why he showed up, but he did." I just wrapped her in my arms and rocked back and forth very slowly until she had stopped crying; but even then I didn't let her go. I fucked up when I left yesterday, I realized that as soon as I walked out the door. But I couldn't turn back so I went to my hotel room and told the boys everything. Ashton hit me upside the head and told me that I was an idiot for letting Lilly think I wasn't ever going to come back and the other two agreed. So we made a plan to all come and visit her and just get everything out in the open and we showed up just in time, thank God. Mason came in with the boys and glared at me until I let Lilly go and got off the bed. She may be tiny, but she was kinda scary. She pulled Lilly into her lap after she sat down and pulled the blanket over their legs before turning to give all of us guys a blood chilling glare. "You have exactly three minutes to tell me what the hell you're doing here before I physically drag you out of this hospital." I cleared my throat and help my hand up like a peace offering. "I came to apologize. What I did yesterday wasn't cool. I shouldn't have left like that and I'm so sorry that I did, and I totally understand if you want to rip my head off and try to play soccer with it. The boys came along so we could all just talk about everything and make sure what needs to be said gets said." I rambled and Luke elbowed me in the side to get me to shut up. Mason looked down at Lilly, her face scrunching up when Lilly didn't look back up at her. "Lil." Mason said, shaking her by the shoulders and hitting her softly on the face when she didn't respond. "Lilly!" This time louder, Mason's voice thick with emotion. She got off the bed quickly and laid Lilly back onto the pillows and checked for a pule, looking up wildly when she found the right spot. "Get Melody! I can't feel anything!" Mason shouted and Calum ran out so fast that he almost tripped on his shoes. I felt tears welling up in my eyes as I watched Mason start shaking Lilly harder, like it would wake her up some how. "Damn it Lilly, you've still got five months left! Wake up!" Mason sobbed and I was pushed out of the way by Melody and Lilly's doctor. They moved Mason gently and she came crashing down into a sobbing heap on the floor. "Wake up, please wake up."

A/N: Another cliff hanger because I can. This book is almost over, just a few more chapters left and then it's bye bye. I hope those of you who actually read this are enjoying it, you're the real M.V.P for staying through this entire mess. Please vote and comment, it would mean a lot to me ♥


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