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"I want to breathe you in like a vapor, I want to be the one you remember."

I had passed my life expectancy by exactly six months as of today, which was the best news I had heard in a very long time. And to celebrate, Michael and I were going on our very first "out in public" date. It was sort of a big deal to me because I looked really sick but he said wanted to show me off so I was letting him. He even bought me a long blonde wig because I complained that I missed the color. Mason showed up at my door with her makeup box and a duffle bag full of clothes and I honestly could have kissed her because I was freaking out a little bit; I didn't have any idea what I was doing.

"Okay, so I was thinking maybe some skinny jeans and a really cute cropped sweater with a fuzzy cardigan over it and your combat boots." Mason explained, pulling out a few of each item so I could have some options. "You do realize that it's January and there's snow everywhere, right?" I asked and she just threw a pair of skinny jeans at my head. "Put them on and suck it up, babe. You're gonna look cute. Now, pick out your favorites and go change." Mason pointed to the pile of clothes in front of her and I dug around until I found a baby blue cropped sweater and a grey fuzzy cardigan that I actually liked. Everything else looked like it belonged on a child. I got dressed and Mason tugged me behind her and into the bathroom, pushinge down gently on the toilet seat so she could do my makeup.

"Don't move, talk, or breath because if I mess up on this so help me God Lilly Ann I will fart on everything you love." Mason threatened and I did the best I could, occasionally making silly faces just to annoy her. Twenty minutes later and she was done, slipping the wig Michael bought me onto my head and brushing it out before letting me look in the mirror; and I looked healthy. Not that it surprised me, Mason was very good with a beauty blender.

She waited in bed with me until Michael showed up, leaving as soon as we all got out of the hospital. "Have fun, don't do anything I wouldn't do!" she called out over her shoulder and I snorted loudly, making Michael laugh. "So pretty much do whatever we want." I muttered and Michael laced his fingers with mine so we could walk down the sidewalk side by side. There were a few people taking pictures of us, they had being doing it more often since I woke up but as long as they didn't ruin our date I was okay with it.

We walked to the hole in the wall cafe where we had our "first date" and ordered our food, talking softly to one another. "Do you feel okay?" Michael question and I shrugged, playing with the straw in my Sprite. "Sort of. I still feel pretty bad but I'll be okay as long as I don't go overboard on everything." Michael nodded at me and that's when our food showed up so we ate in a comfortable silence, occasionally stealing bites of food from each other's plate.

By the time we got done I felt like I was going to die from too much food and plain old fashioned exhaustion. "Come on, there's one more place I wanna go before we head back to the hospital. It'll be amazing, I promise." Michael helped me out of my side of the booth and slung his arm over my shoulder, leading me out of the cafe and down two more blocks until we were in front of a huge, lavish apartment building. The doorman nodded at us and we went in and I was a little confused while we rode up the elevator to the top floor, but Michael wouldn't say a word. He just kept smiling at me every time I looked at him.
We walked into a huge apartment, one with floor to ceiling windows and the most beautiful view I had ever seen in my almost 19 years. I got out of Michael's arms and spun around slowly, taking everything in. "What do you think? Do you like it?" Michael asked and I stopped spinning long enough to answer him. "This place is beautiful. I love it." I spun into what looked like the living room and almost tripped over the couch, catching myself right before and Michael laughed at me. "Good, because it's ours." I turned to stare at him wide eyed, my mouth hanging open slightly. "I just thought that I needed a place close to you and it's perfect. Plus I needed something bigger than my apartment before this if you were gonna say yes." Michael dropped down to one knee after he had pulled out a blue velvet box from his jean pockets and I felt like I was going to pass our right then and there.

"Lilly Ann, I love you. So much that it hurts to be away from you and I had this beautiful speech in my head about how I've already loved you in sickness and in health and that I wanted the rest of the package too, but it just seems silly now. What I'm saying is that I want you to marry me. You've made it six months past what they gave you and I want to spend the rest of however long you've got as husband and wife. I want to wake up to you every single morning even though you hog the bed and steal all the blankets. And I've already arranged for you to move here and Melody is willing to become your house care nurse and everything is set. All you have to do is say yes." I was bawling my eyes out by the time Michael got done with his little speech and I couldn't say anything so I just took the ring out of the box and shoved it on my finger. No matter how long I had left, I wanted it to be spent with him because I loved him so much.

A/N: Three more chapters after this 💕 So, they got engaged. How do you feel about that? Also, super sorry about the time skips; they're all over the place. Please vote & comment, it would mean a lot to me 💖


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