Lost Boy

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I was up by the time Mason came barging into my room with a bag of donuts in her hand and Melody following close behind her. "Alright, here's the game plan." Melody said, making sure Mason and I were paying attention to her before continuing. "Lilly. You're gonna take some super strength Iron pills, arthritis strength Tylenol, and stay hooked up to your I.V. until it's time for you to leave. I packed you a bag full of water and approved snacks that you can eat if you get hungry, but I know you're not gonna eat them so at least make good choices and don't eat a bacon cheese burger. The grease isn't gonna mix well with your chemo tomorrow. Mason, I expect you to make sure she drinks half a bottle of water every thirty minutes. If she get's dehydrated it's not gonna be pretty. Your parents said everything should be paid for and you'll get special wristbands when you get there saying as much, but I put a 50 dollar bill for both of you in the bag just in case you see something you want but it's not paid for. I love you guys, don't come back until it's time and don't die. Have fun girls!" I smiled widely at Melody and she just rolled her eyes at me before leaving my room and closing the door behind her.

"I love her. You know for a fact that she's using her own money. Why can't she be your mom in real life?" Mason muttered and flopped backwards onto my bed. I nudged her with my foot and she climbed up the bed to cuddle with me, laying her head on my chest and making faces at me. "She's everybody's mom. It just works." I yawned and we stayed like that until Melody came in there to tell us we had an hour to get ready and leave. Mason piled out of the bed and I followed, both of us heading to the bathroom so we could do our makeup together. "Here, wear some of this." Mason said, handing me a tube of red lipstick and taking the mascara out of my hands. I rolled my eyes at her but put some on, rubbing my lips together and kissing at the mirror. "You look hot!" Mason squealed and I grabbed her before kissing her on the cheek and leaving a bright red mark that took her forever to scrub off. "I hate you, oh my God!" Mason yelled and I smirked at her before going back into my room to look for something to wear.

Mason came out a few minutes later and pulled out her trusty backpack that she always brought with her while I went through my dresser and cringed at everything I pulled out. "How come I don't own any cute, comfy clothes?" I complained and I felt something land on my head. I pulled it off and looked at it, turning to Mason with a grin on my face. She just rolled her eyes and nodded before pulling her shirt off and slipping her dress on. I stripped my clothes off and put on my favorite dress of Mason's, turning around so she could zip the back up and then I did the same for her. I shoved my feet into my combat boots and Mason slipped on her Converse before we grabbed the bad Melody packed for us and ran out of the room to find her. "Melody, take off my robo cop stuff off so I can leave!" I yelled and Melody came out of her nurse station to do just that. "Remember what I said. Water every thirty minutes and money's in the smallest pocket. Have fun girls, I love you!" We took off running to the elevator and waved over our shoulders, smiling at her before the elevator doors closed. "We love you, too!"

We rode in the car in silence, the driver that my parents sent refusing to turn up the radio so Mason and I just made faces at each other and the other cars on the road. It took us and hour to get to Disney and we waited at the enterance like we promised the boys we would do, twisting the skirt of our dresses with our fingers and leaning agasint a wall. "We probably should hae gotten one of their numbers so we knew when they were gonna get here." I muttered and grabbed our sunglasses out of the bag before handing Mason hers and slipping on mine. I was about to say something when I felt a pair of arms slip around my waist and pick me up, making a squeal leave my lips and Mason to throw her head back and laugh. "Jesus Christ, put me the hell down before I hurt you!" I laughed out and then I was set safely back down on the ground. I turned around to be met with a smiling Michael and the rest of the boys laughing quietly behind him.

"I can't really do big rides, being thrown around isn't too good for me; I'd break." I said with a smile and everyone shrugged, moving in so people could pass around us. "And I really just wanna meet Peter Pan and tell him I love him. He's my favorite." Mason rolled her eyes at me and turned so she was looking at Ashton and Luke. "Us guys and those guys?" she asked, pointing to herself and them and then at me and Michae and Calum. They nodded and we got into our little groups, us girls in the middle and we took off in search of Peter Pan.

Hey! Two updates within 24 hours of each other, go me!
Please comment and vote if you want to, it'd mean a lot to me :)
The picture is what the girls were wearing and I'll try to update again sometime soon
Pretend that the white jumper is a dress, I fell in love but I'm too lazy to change the story XD

"Run, run lost boy; they say to me. Away from all of reality."


Falling Down // M.C.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu