The Beginning

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I pulled my head up from where I was resting it on Mason's thigh when I felt someone brush against my back and looked over my shoulder to see Michael smiling at me apologetically. "You guys can move in closer if you want. I know it's cold, and we don't bite. Well, Mason might, but only at me." I mumbled and put my head back down, smiling softly when I felt every scoot in closer so they could attempt to get warmer. "Hey Lilly?" I open my eyes and looked over at Ashton, raising an eyebrow so he would know to continue. "What did Mason mean about you going to Disney because your parents were guilty?"

I sat up and rolled my shoulders before replying. "It's a long story. You sure you want to hear it?" Ashton nodded and I sighed. "When I was younger, I came out to my parents. Pansexual, which is where I don't care about gender; I just care about who they are as a person. Anyway, they told me they couldn't have a 'gay' daughter so I told them I wasn't, that it was just a joke. They're my parents, they're supposed to love me no matter what. You know? They told me I could be anything, do anything as long as I was happy. They just forgot to mention that it had to be something they wanted me to be or do, so I shoved myself back in the closet so they didn't have to deal with it. Lovely, huh?" I laughed bitterly and Mason grabbed my hand in hers before squeezing it. She had been there for it and held me the entire time I cried. "And then I got sick. At first it was okay, I just got big bruises and they put me on Iron pills. And then one day I fell down the stairs and shattered my collarbone and fractured my hip. It was a bitch to recover from, let me tell you. Three weeks in the hospital and my parents complained the entire time because they were missing work, instead of being worried about their daughter who had no idea what was going on." Mason pulled the blanket tighter over my shoulders and I smiled up at her.

"They told me that I was over reacting when I said I felt like there was something wrong with me, that I just wanted the attention because my last 'attempt' to get some failed. I made my brother drive me to my appointment and my sister pretended to be my mom so I could find out what was actually wrong with me. When I told my parents what the doctors had diagnosed me with, they rolled their eyes and grounded me for making a doctor's appointment behind their backs. A month later they put me in the hospital because I broke my wrist trying to open a jar of pickles. They did private care for a little while after that, but even that got to be too much for them. They said the smell of the chemicals and me throwing up from chemo was driving them crazy so I started up my permanent residence here. They're guilty because I'm gonna die soon and they don't want to be anywhere around me when that happens, and it's not because they can't handle it." I was fiddling with my fingers by the time I got done talking and Mason gave me a sad smile that I matched, shrugging when Ashton tried to apologize for asking about it.

"Don't worry. We've never really had a good relationship to begin with." I sighed and leaned back against whoever was behind me, which turned out to be Michael. We sat in a comfortable silence for the next 15 minutes until some guy came up to the roof with our food and Calum paid for it, thanking him with a wide smile before handing out the food to everyone. I laughed at Mason because she was struggling with her chopsticks and handed her a fork before she could even ask, sticking my tongue out at her when she sighed heavily. "Just because you can use chopsticks doesn't mean anything, okay? Jerkface." Mason muttered and I threw my head back, laughing loudly and leaning on Michael while I tried to catch my breath. "It means I finally beat you at something. Shut up and eat your noodles, you weirdo." I said with a smile, taking a bite out of my sushi and letting my mind wonder. We had about 4 more hours until Melody would come up here and demand everybody go home, which meant that I had 4 more hours of living in my little make believe wonderland.

"So, what are you guys doing tomorrow?" Mason asked the boys, slurping her noodles and making Luke laugh a little at her. Ashton shrugged and swallowed his bite of food before replying to her question. "It's sort of our relaxation day. We might spend all day on the couch watching Netflix or we might go do something fun. Don't know yet." Michael cleared his throat and everyone turned to look at him. "I think Disney would be fun. We should go with them." Michael suggested and Calum nodded, stuffing his face with a sushi roll and making me giggle behind my wrist. "It's settled then. Tomorrow we go to Disney with these lovely ladies." Luke said with a smile and I rolled my eyes at him before smiling widely, clapping my hand excitedly and Mason looked at me like I crazy. "No judgement, I don't get out a lot and I have exactly one friend. Let me be excited about this!" I said with a pout and Michael wrapped his arms around me for a quick hug before letting go. I smiled at him and stuck my tongue out a Mason because I knew her and she was probably plotting against me. Jerk. We spent the rest of our time up there and planned on meeting by the enterance of Disney tomorrow morning at 9.

Hey! I updated, whoooo!

Picture is Mason & Lilly being best friendy! Title is a Little Mix song


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