The End

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"No one can love you the way I used to do, but love isn't fair."

A month after I said yes to Michael, something went wrong. It really didn't seem like a wrong thing at the time, it was sort of a miracle at first. I felt better. My body didn't hurt and I could sleep for longer than thirty minutes and even the doctors thought I would be able to go home and stay with Michael. It didn't last.

Mason had started packing up my things so it could be moved to the apartment when I started to feel dizzy and my vision went black. I stumbled over to my bed and I could hear Mason shouting but it was like I was under water, her voice was muffled and I couldn't understand a single thing. It was like I was in slow motion and everything around me was in fast forward, I don't know how but the next thing I knew I was put back in bed and my doctor was shouting at Melody. My chest hurt so badly that it felt like I couldn't breathe and my lungs were burning like I was drowning. My head was cloudy, pounding and I didn't understand what was going on until my doctor gave me some kind of medication that made everything hurt a little less and I could finally hear. "Lilly, you've just got to hold on okay? Just a little while longer, they're trying to get some medicine that's gonna help you but it's gonna take a couple of hours for it to get here so I need you to do whatever it takes to stay alive." Mason pleaded and I tried to move my hand so I could hold hers, I really did, but my body wasn't listening to what I wanted it to do; at least not very well. My hand just sort of flopped around uselessly at my side but Mason got the hint and laced our fingers together. "Michael's on his way, Lil. Just stay awake" Mason whispered and she rubbed her thumb over the top of my hand until Michael showed up and then she left, letting him sit in the chair beside my bed. "Hey baby." Michael said quietly and kissed me on the forehead, and I could see the tears welling up in his eyes. I struggled to sit up and by the time Michael had moved to help me I was out of breath and panting. I sort of grabbed Michael's hand and pulled him onto the bed so we could cuddle, my head on his chest and him rubbing his hand up and down my back.

"You always feel better before the end." I whispered and Michael's hand stopped, making me struggle to look up at him. "I got better before I knew you and then this happened. But this time it feels so much worse. I don't have much time left, Michael. I can feel it." Michael just shook his head at me ad went back to rubbing my back. I hit him softly in the chest and struggled to breathe. "You're not gonna die, you have so much left in life to do. We still have to get married and you still have to be a mom and you can't leave because I'm not gonna know what to do without you." Michael's voice broke and that's when the tears started to fall, when I realized that this was harder on everyone than they let on. They always had happy faces on around me and this was the first time that anyone had let on how broken they would be after I died. I clenched my eyes shut in hopes that it would help make my vision less wonky and I could hear the beeping of my heart monitor slow down. "I want you to know that I love you. And I want you to promise me that you won't let this break you completely. Promise me that you'll try and find someone new when you're ready." I begged and I lost feeling in my fingers and toes, both of them tingling and just feeling numb in general. "I don't want anyone but you so why would I try and move on?" Michael asked quietly and I couldn't feel him rubbing my back anymore. "Because this isn't The Fault In The Stars, I don't die just to have you follow after me. You're gonna live a long life and fall in love with someone else and you have to promise me that you won't be angry as love just because I'm gone." I was barely breathing by then, shallow pants and I could hardly keep my eyes open. "I promise, but you have to promise me that you'll try and fight what's going on. Try to live." Michael begged and I couldn't even open my mouth, could barely hear my heart monitor beeping.

Michael P.O.V

Lilly's heart monitor went off, a steady beep and I knew what that meant; knew that I didn't have any more time with her. I held her closer in my arms and just let the tears fall because this was the end. I held her even when Mason started screaming and when they pronounced Lilly dead and when her family showed up to say their goodbyes to a body without a soul. I held her until they had to physically remove her from my arms and then Mason held me, letting me soak her shirt through with tears and not telling me that it would be okay because she understood what it was like to have a part of your heart ripped out.

A/N: Okay so I really hope that no one hates me because of what happened and I love you so please don't try to murder me in my sleep ♥ But never fear, a happy Calum story where he's a werewolf is coming after this and it might be a mess but I don't really care! Please vote and comment, it would mean a lot to me ♥♥♥


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