Here's To Never Growing Up

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"Singing Radiohead at the top of our lungs with the boom box blaring as we're falling in love, got a bottle of whatever but it's getting us drunk; singing here's to never growing up."

The thing about "dating" someone famous is there's a lot of crap said about you. On Twitter, Instagram, news articles, even Snapchat. And most of the time, it isn't even true. It had been a month since our fair date and being cornered by rude fans and I had read so much literal crap about Mason and I that all I wanted to do was hide away from the world. I was right, they called both Mason and I sluts because of what we were wearing on our date and they even said that Mason looked like she had a baby bump. Like, what the fuck? She's tinier than I am and hadn't even been really dating Luke at the time. Mason had planned out a fun day to take my mind off things because not only were people assholes, I had to shave all my hair off because it was falling out from me getting worse. Goodbye curls, hello wigs.

I snuggled further under my blanket and ignored my phone going off. It was probably Mason telling me that she was on her way and to be ready. Whatever, she could deal and wait for me to put real clothes on when she got here. I laid in bed for another hour and a half until there was a knock on my door. It wasn't Mason, she would just burst in like always. I sat up in bed and yawned, rubbing my eyes and listening to the person continuing to knock. "Come in." I called, expecting it to be Melody or my doctor. But I was wrong. It was the boys, all four of them and here I was in pajamas that showed my nipples. Great. I pulled the blanket up to my chest and stared at them, raising an eyebrow so they would explain why they where here. "I texted you like seven times! We're all going to the concert thing today, remember?" Michael asked and sat on the edge of my bed, the other boys leaning casually against the wall. "Shit, no! God. Mason's been planning this day for two weeks, I'm sorry guys. Why don't you just stick around. I'm sure she won't mind." I said, rubbing my temples and then my door flew open and in raced Mason. "Speak of the devil and she shall appear." Luke muttered and Mason slammed the door behind her and locked it, taking off her backpack and setting it carefully on the end of the bed. "Hi guys, nice to see you. Hi babe. Okay, so if I'm right about this then I say that we've got like 15 minutes before they realize something's up and come investigate. Everyone. Meet Zena and Killer." Mason rambled and unzipped her bag so two small dogs could wiggle their way out.

"Oh my God, my babies!" I cried and picked them up, one in each hand, so I could cuddle them to my chest. They licked my face and wiggled their tails so much that I had to let them go before they hurt themselves. "Dogs? You brought her dogs?" Luke asked and wrapped his arms around Mason from behind. "Not just any dogs. Her dogs. Killer is the oldest, she's had her for 11 years. Killer's her baby. Zena doesn't know what personal space is and will eat anything that doesn't eat her first. She's had Zee for four years. Zee was her Chemo buddy, until her parents thought the dog being their was too weird; even though they never stayed. Meet Lilly's family. A Rat Terrier and a Mugin." Mason explained and I had to wipe the tears off my cheeks because I had missed them so much. "How did you even get them?" I asked and both of the dogs curled up in my lap, licking my hands until they were gross and covered in dog slobber. "I might have broke into your house. Sort of. I knew the code, okay." Mason shrugged like it was no big deal, and it might not have been for her but for me it was huge.

Calum pushed Michael off the bed so he could love on the dogs and I laughed at the face Michael pulled while he was falling. Zena crawled out of my lap and yipped at him, wagging her little stub of a tail and getting his face. Killer barked at him in greeting but didn't leave my lap. I had missed her the most, she was the one thing that I always had when I was upset and my parents refused to let me see her because they thought that I would somehow get her sick, even though she was a freaking dog and cancer wasn't contagious. We got to love on them for a little bit longer until Melody started pounding on my door and Mason had to gently shove them back in her backpack. "Lil, get dressed and meet me at the park. Guys, make sure that she doesn't die along the way." Mason whisper yelled and walked to the door to unlock it but turned around at the last minute. "I almost forgot. Here." She threw something out of the smaller pocket of her back at me and it hit me in the face. Thank God that it was soft. She unlocked the door and ran past Melody who looked in the room with confusion all over her face. I just shrugged at her and she sighed, pushing the door all the way open and coming inside. "Whatever it was, I don't wanna know. What's in the bag?" she asked and pointed to my lap. I opened it and pulled out a wig, one that was long enough to be considered mermaid hair and blue. "She remembered! Frick yes!" I yelled and fist pumped the air. Melody just smiled at me and the boys looked confused. "When they told me I was going to have to shave my head, I said I wanted a blue wig so then I could at least pretend to be a secret agent who has to blend into an alternative group that ran a drug ring. I have weird thoughts. But she remembered!" I explained and they slowly nodded. "I can help you put it on, my daughter wore enough wigs to supply a store." Melody offered and I nodded at her excitedly. I shooed Calum out of the way and sat on the end of the bed, turning so Melody could put the wig on for me. It was itchy but better than being bald in public. People were mean, they'd say rude things and I was so emotional that I would cry like a baby.

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