Permanent Vacation

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"I can't sleep cause my mind keeps racing, my chest hurts cause my heart keeps breaking; I'm so numb and I can't stop shaking and we all fall down."

I woke up still in Michael's arms with Mason at the end of the bed grinning like a fool and taking pictures of us on her phone. "Idiot never came back to my house. The boys crashed there and I took Zena and Killer home this morning. Anyway, they all missed an interview this morning. Wake him up so they can go get yelled at by their manager or whatever it is that they have." Mason whispered and I rolled my eyes at her before poking Michael in the chest until his eyes opened. "Hey sleepyhead. You're in trouble." He groaned at me and closed his eyes again, snuggling further into my body and pulling the blanket over both of our heads. I heard Mason laugh and the door open which either meant Melody or the doctor was coming to talk to me. I was wrong. Seemed to be happening to me a lot lately.

"So we're paying for you to have random boys sleep in your bed and your so called best friend to steal our dogs. Nice to know." And that was the voice of my mother. I flung the blanket off of my face and shoved Michael into the floor while Mason whipped around and stared at my family like they were going to murder her. "Mom. Dad. Hi." Smooth, Lilly. Very smooth. Mason moved to sit beside me and Michael stood up, rubbing his head where it had hit the floor. "Lilly Ann. I hear that you've stopped your treatments. Care to explain?" My father had a very intimidating voice and it made me shrink in on myself. Mason grabbed my hand and Michael moved to sit in the chair beside my bed and glared at my family members hard enough that I thought they would burst into flames. I fiddled with my fingers and looked up at my dad to see him staring at me and waiting for an answer. I sighed and straightened my back so I could hold my head up high while I answered him. "I'm sick, dad. Have been for two years in case you've forgotten. I'm not getting any better with the chemo, it just made me feel even worse than I already was so I asked if they would stop it and they said I could. I'm still getting the care I need but I'm not miserable in the process."

Mason squeezed my hand in support and my sister rolled her eyes at my statement while my bother just looked around the room like he was bored. My mother smoothed her hands down the front of her dress and my father slipped his arm around her waist before clearing his throat. "Well then, we'll further discuss this at lunch. All of you get dressed. We'll send a car in an hour. Until then." And then they were gone, leaving the door open behind them while I fell back on the bed and tried to smother myself with my pillow. Mason just moved it off of my face and patted me on the shoulder. I smiled weakly up at her and then Michael sat on the other side of me, holding my hand in his and leaning down to drop a kiss on my forehead. "We should get ready. Jesus, I don't have anything fancy enough for this. I'm so screwed." I groaned and Michael helped me off the bed so I could stumble over to my dresser and desperately search through it. Mason gently shoved me out of the way and looked for me so I could calm down and stop shaking. "Ummm. How fancy is fancy? Because it takes an hour to get to my hotel and I'm pretty sure you don't own anything that'll fit me." I turned to look at Michael at the sound of his voice and realized he was sort of right. He didn't have enough time to go change at his hotel but I still had some shirts that he could borrow that belonged to my brother. Mason dug around in my second drawer and pulled out a band shirt and a flannel before handing them to Michael. "You're famous, tell them that and they won't care what you wear." I muttered and Michael just smiled weakly at me before heading to the bathroom to get changed.

I moved closer to Mason to see what she had picked out and grab the sun dress that was covered in flowers that my mom had picked out for me when I first got sick. She said even though I was sick I should still look somewhat respectable even though she didn't actually plan on taking me out anywhere, she just wanted me to look like I belonged in the family if somebody saw me while I was in the hospital. Mason grabbed a bra for me while I took off my PJs and hooked it behind my back right as Michael came out of the bathroom. "Shit, sorry Lilly Ann. I didn't know you were getting dressed in here." Michael apologized while covering his eyes so he wouldn't see anything he wasn't meant to. I rolled my eyes and Mason giggled behind me. "Shut up and come help me in this thing so Mason can pick out what she's wearing." I said, stepping into the dress and turning around so he could zip it up when he uncovered his eyes. Michael kissed me on the shoulder before going to sit on the bed and play on his phone while Mason and I finished getting ready. She had put on one of my nicer shirts but since she was so short it was a dress on her. She made it work though, slipping her leather jacket that I stole over it and throwing her hair up in a messy bun. She pushed me towards the bathroom and set me on the toilet seat so she could do my makeup and fuss over if I should wear my wig or not. "All I'm saying is that if you wear it your parents are gonna flip shit. It's blue and you know they thing people with unusual hair aren't worth much. But if you go bald then they're gonna say you should have put some effort into what you're wearing." Mason explained while she put on my eyeliner, giving it a tiny wing before handing me the mascara and a mirror so I didn't poke an eye out. I put it on before replying to what she had said. "Yeah, well they can suck my dick. I'm not wearing it. They can see how sick I am instead of wanting me to look perfect for once." Mason just smiled at me and did her makeup quickly, the car my parents were sending would be here in less than 20 minutes.

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