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"I don't care if the world knows what my secrets are."

We walked until we found a map, the boys smiling and waving at the fans that noticed them but they never stopped until we were trying to figure out where to head from there. "I think she wants a picture with you." I said, pointing to a girl who looked to be about my age with black hair and wearing on of their band shirts. Michael glanced over at her, smiling widely and waving before turning back to me while Mason tried to read the map with Luke. He put his arm over my shoulder and pushed my sunglasses up on my nose before replying to what I said. "I'm spending the day with my people, they'll understand. We deserve a little peace and quiet occasionally." I blushed a little and smiled at him before turning my head to see how far Mason and Luke had gotten with the map.

"I think we go past the tea cups and then it's by Jasmine." Luke muttered and Mason followed the path with her finger to double check, fist pumping when he was right. "Come on Princess, let's go meet your lost boy!" Mason yelled and grabbed my hand before taking off in a dead run. I laughed and followed behind her with the boys chasing after us, shouting at us because we were leaving them behind. I glanced over my shoulder and saw they were almost caught up to us and stopped running, tugging Mason's hand to get her attention. "Get on my back." Mason raised her eyebrows at me and I nodded to let her know it was okay. She quickly got behind me and jumped on me and I hiked her up before taking off again. I had longer legs than her so we would be able to get away quicker. Mason was laughing in my ear and I joined her, smiling when I heard the boys yelling that we were cheating. I made it a few more yards until I stumbled, my vision going wonky and I almost dropped Mason. I stopped running and she got off, rushing to stand in front of me. "Lilly Ann, what's wrong?" she asked, sounding worried and I didn't blame her. I was thirty seconds from passing out if I wasn't careful. "I just need for a minute." I said slowly, blinking my eyes to refocus them and taking deep breaths so I wouldn't fall over. I felt the boys come to a stop beside us and heard Ashton ask what was wrong.

"She's fine, she just did too much at one time." Mason explained and I rested my hands on my knees and breathed until it felt like I could halfway function. "I just need some water and I'll be okay. And to walk instead of run." Mason dug through the bag and handed me a bottle of water, rubbing my back while I drank half of it slowly. "It's my fault, I got on her back and didn't think about what would happen. I'm sorry Lil." Mason apologized and I waved it off, putting the cap back on the water and handing to her. "It's fine, babe. Let's just go find Peter Pan." I said and she frowned but turned around to lead the way. Luke walked with her and I could see him trying to cheer her up. It honestly wasn't her fault. I suggested the piggy back ride, I knew it would happen. Just not that soon or badly. I walked slowly and Michael walked beside me, throwing his arm back over my shoulder and letting me lean on him a little bit. "Wanna talk about it?" I looked up at the sound of his voice and shrugged.

"Do you the survival rate for what I have? Four percent. So it's not a question of if I die, it's when I die. But she doesn't act like it. When I'm around her, everything is normal and I forget I'm sick. She doesn't treat me like I'm dying." I said and Michael just stared ahead for a few moments before replying. "What about your brother and sister? You talked about them the other day, don't they act like you're gonna be okay?" I leaned my head against his shoulder and sighed, looking at the other boys and Mason laughing about something. "It's a long story for another day. The short, easy to understand version is they don't have enough love left in their bodies for it. I'm the reason they fell apart. Something happened between my brothers best friend and I, and my brother picked him. And my sister hasn't been able to look at me since I got sick." I explained and he stopped walking, dropping his arm to turn and look at me. "They're your family." he said, like it should mean they stayed for me. I shrugged at him and started walking again so we wouldn't lose the boys and Mason. "Family doesn't' t always mean love." Michael shook his head at that and was about to say something, but got interrupted by Mason yelling at me. "Lil, Peter Pan!" I looked to where she was pointed and grinned, speeding up until I was beside her with Michael close behind me. "He's my soulmate." I sighed wistfully and Mason giggled at it. "Let's go meet him!" I drug Mason with me and waited in a small line, getting my phone out and ready so Mason could take a picture of us. "Hi!" Peter waved and I smiled at him, stepping beside him and smiling for the camera while he made a silly face. "What brings you pretty ladies to Neverland?" he asked and Mason stepped beside me, nudging me when I didn't answer. "You're my lost boy." I blurted and he cackled, making me blush. "Sorry." I muttered and he waved it off. "You've always been my favorite! Staying young forever and not being sick. You were a part of my bucket list and now I get to say I met you. I even have the directions to Neverland as a tattoo.' I rambled and lifted up my dress a little so he could see the tattoo on my left thigh. "Oh, that's wonderful! I'm sorry to go, but the other lost boys need me and I need to find Wendy to tell them a story. Bye!" And with that he was off, leaving me with a smile on my face and a beautiful picture on my phone.

"Can we go ride stuff now?" Mason begged and I nodded, both of us turning to see the boys waiting patiently for us. "Onward to the tea cups!" Mason yelled and took off. She was on overgrown child but I loved her. We all followed her and piled into one tea cup, squished together and almost in each others laps. "Spin it, spin it, spin it!" Mason was way too excited about this but we listened, laughing while we struggled to get it to move. We got out dizzy and the worker had to herd us like lost sheep so we could fins our way out. "Can we get food? I'm hungry." Calum whined and we followed him to the closest food stand. We flashed them our bracelets and ordered a pizza, smiling in thanks and finding a place to eat it when we got it. We flopped down at a table big enough for all of us and ate in silence until Ashton spoke up. "This is totally gonna be all over the internet tomorrow." Mason and I shrugged, stuffing out faces with pizza. They didn't know who we were, so it's not like they could tell the fans our names and us have to deal with that. Michael smiled at us and we opened our mouths so he could see our chewed up food, making him cringe and pretend to gag. "Come on, let's go explore." I said once we were done, grabbing Michael and Calum's hands so they would follow. We spent the rest of our time there ignoring the people taking pictures of us and just having fun.

They followed us back to the hospital, coming into my room and waiting for us while we changed into sweatpants and t-shirts in the bathroom. We came out and they were standing awkwardly by the bed. "You know." I said, sitting down on the bed and drawing my legs up to my chest. "You don't have to just stand there you can sit you know." Mason giggled and sat beside me, leaning her head on my shoulder. They rolled their eyes at us but sat on the floor. They stayed for a while and we just talked about random things until Mason went to the bathroom. "Okay, so I know this is a little morbid but would you do me a favor?" I whispered and Luke nodded at me. "Come to my funeral. Mason get's along with you guy and I want someone there that she doesn't want to rip their eyeballs out." They were a little shocked and it took them a few moments before Michael replied for them. "Yeah. I mean, we'll come. Even if we have to fly from somewhere. But I doubt it'll happen, you're a strong girl and I think you'll get better." I rolled my eyes but smiled at them when Mason came out. "Sorry guys, but I'm pooped so I know Lilly is. This is my way of kicking you out, by the way. Bye!" Mason waved at them after she crawled back in bed with me. They laughed at her but got up and hugged us goodbye, stopping at the door and turning around to look at us. "This was fun. Like, really fun. We're gonna do it again and that's a promise."

A/N: I have no idea what the layout to Disney World is, sorry vote & comment it would mean a lot shout out to ___Krissyyyyy___ for doing just that, love you babe! Picture is Mason & Lilly at Disney


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