Sprinkler System

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"How was I supposed to know the sprinklers would go off because I lit a candle?!" I yelled over the noise, standing outside of the hospital and shivering because being wet and the wind don't mix. Mason whipped around and glared at me, wet hair sticking to her face and making her look a bit like a mermaid. Firemen were gathered around the building, not rushing around because once they realized it was a false alarm they thought it was a little amusing and were making the younger patients day by answering silly questions. "Maybe because you've lived here for two years!" I shrugged and heard Michael laugh, smiling at Mason because no matter how many times she acts like she's done with me she's here every single day. "I love you, you're an idiot." Mason muttered and I grinned at her, hugging her even when she pretended to push me away. I turned to look at the boys, who had congregated behind us when we fled the hospital, and ran my fingers through my hair which probably made me look like more of a mess than when I started. "I'm really sorry this happened. I light candles all the time, I don't know why it set off the sprinklers this time. And I'm really sorry about your stuff, especially your clothes and your instruments and everything else. When we get inside I can give you towels and clothes." I rambled and Mason linked her arm through mine, nodding her head even though she probably wasn't paying any attention.

"Question. How are you supposed to give us clothes if you're a girl?" Ashton asked, hand raised like he was in school and I cocked an eyebrow up at him. "Just because I don't have a penis doesn't mean I don't own guy clothes. I used to steal my brothers clothes when they let me go home for visits and he would bring me some when I complained about how uncomfortable I was wearing the hospital gowns. Let's go inside before we all get sicker than we need to be." I tugged Mason behind me and the boys followed, their shoes making squeaky noises on the tiles. We rode the elevator up to my floor and piled out, waving at Melody when she gave us the "Mom" look that meant I was in so much trouble when everyone left. I handed out towels after we stuffed ourselves into my room, the boys turning their backs to us so they wouldn't see anything when we changed because my bathroom was too small for more than one person to change at a time. I tugged my sweater over my head and struggled out of my bra, helping Mason out of her sports bra because the last time she did it by herself and she was wet she ended up giving herself a black eye. "Awkward time! My dresser is, like, right in front of all of you. So, just close your eyes or something?" I peeled my shorts off my legs and pulled the thin blanket off of my bed to wrap it around myself, padding over to my dresser and grabbing clothes as fast as I could to make it less awkward.

I ran back over to Mason who was trying to take off her skinny jeans and handed her sweatpants before putting on my clothes, sweatpants and a t-shirt because I was super done with trying to look cute. Mason slipped on the sweatpants and one of my brothers shirts, both of us not bothering with bras because eff it; nothing else could go wrong. "Okay, you can open your eyes. I hope sweatpants and shirts are okay with you guys, I doubt my skinny jeans would fit you. You know, you being taller than me and not having a butt." I muttered and they made a noise of agreement, peeling off their shirts and jackets while I looked for clothes for them to wear. Mason made a weird face at me when I looked over at her and crawled in bed, pulling the blanket off the floor and over her head. Weirdo. I put my hand over my eyes and turned around, holding the clothes out in my other hand for the boys to take and awkwardly trying to find my way to the bed when I felt them grab all the clothes. "You know, we're not naked yet. You can open your eyes so you don't fall and break yourself. Literally." Michael said and I blushed, moving my hand away from my eyes and speed walking to my bed to join Mason under the covers. "Now you can say I'm the drooling one, Jesus!" I whispered and she cackled, slapping her hand over her mouth like it would take the sound back. I snorted at her and pulled her in for an awkward side hug, laying there in a semi-cuddle until the boys were done getting dressed.

"Do you just want to hang out for the rest of the day? I mean, we can sing more songs but I think it would be fun to just talk." Michael asked when we got out from under the blanket, fluffing up his wet hair and shoving it away from his eyes. "We can go up to the roof. It's not much of a place to hang out at, but it's better than stuffing ourselves in here." I offered and everyone nodded, standing up and letting me and the machines lead the way. I waved at Melody when we walked past the nurses station and she rolled her eyes at me, giving me the key card to the roof because she knew me too well. "Six hours, and then you're done for the day. You hear me? You have two big days and no medication for either of them. You get all the rest you can or I'll personally skin you alive. Now go, have fun." Melody shooed me off with a flick of her wrist and I grinned at her. She acted like my mom since my real one didn't come to see me anymore, and she wasn't kidding about skinning me alive. She was holding out on me getting better, too. "So are we the second day or?" Ashton asked and before I could answer, Mason was pulling us to the elevator. "No, you guys are our first day. Tomorrow we're going to Disney World because her parents are guilty. Lovely times. Now, who's ready to see our magic wonderland?"

Hey guys!

Soooo. It's coming along, slowly but surely. I hope you're actually interested in it and such because I'm trying to make it as interesting as I can with it still being realistic. I'm also trying to keep the chapters kinda short because lots of writing makes my brain shut down and it would end up the word equivalent of mashed potatoes. 

Picture is what Mason looks like, and I'll show you who she's based off of next chapter. By the way, I get most of the pictures from google searching things off of Tumblr and I really should credit them but I always forget.

Stay lovely!


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