Lilo and Stich

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Our wonderland pretty much consisted of lawn chairs and blankets, minimal things because it's still the roof and not just ours. I sat down beside the chairs, letting Mason and Luke sit in them while everyone else sat beside me and pulled a blanket over my shoulders. Mason propped her feet on my shoulder and pulled out her phone, putting music on softly for background noise and I swayed to the song while mouthing the words; smiling to myself because this was how my usual Friday nights went. "So, wanna tell us more about yourselves and we'll see where the conversation goes from there?" I turned my head at the sound of Luke's voice and pulled the blanket tighter over my shoulders before nodding, moving so I could see everyone and Mason put her feet back on me with a smile.

"I guess I'll start?" Mason asked, shoving her hands under her butt so she wouldn't pick at her nails. It was her worst nervous habit and she hated it. I stuck my tongue out at her and she smiled back at me, a silly grin that she only ever used on me. "We met five years ago and everybody thinks we're gay together, but whatever. Not really an insult to either of us. We're not really the same person, we like different things, but we do have a lot in common. We both went through our awkward 8th grade emo stage around the same time and we communicate through songs. It's a mess most days. She's my best friend, probably always will be. Once, before she got really sick, she carried me all the way home because I was having an asthma attack and she didn't have an inhaler at her house. I personally have no idea who you guys are any further than your names, but I think I might have listened to a few of your songs with Lilly? I'm not really sure, I'm an alternative music person myself. My favorite color is blue and I really like Taco bell. And anime. Anime is my life, bro." Mason always had a habit of talking with her hands when it was anime, she said it was because she was so passionate about it that she had to let some of it out through her hands.

I put the blanket over her feet and stretched my arms above my head, sighing when I felt my back pop. Cancer or not, it was one of the best feelings in the world and I refused to stop. Mason nudged me with in the thigh and I covered back up before starting my "getting to know you" speech. "I listen to so much music that it's hard to pinpoint what kind of music person I am. Like Mason said, best friends. She's my person and I would willingly go to prison for murder if she needed me to do it. I read entirely too much and write like it's the only thing that's keeping me alive. She visits me every day and brings me food, it's a tradition. We're going to Disney World tomorrow so I can meet Peter Pan before I die, my parents feel guilty that they don't see me and it's the only thing they would actually agree to paying for. My favorite color is yellow and I love Doctor Who. And pizza. Actually, just food in general." Michael held his hand out for a high five after I said the last part and I slapped my palm against his, smiling to myself when he fell over because he was leaning too far in so I wouldn't have to move.

"Also, I'm a clutz. Which means I'm a walking contradiction. Mainly because I can so easily break myself and I fall enough that they've actually considered putting me in a wheelchair." I added on, tucking my hair behind my ear and scooting closer to Mason so I could lay my head on my legs. She ran her fingers through my hair and I poked her shin to let her know that I didn't want her to stop. "Speaking of food, how do you guys feel about take out? Lilly really likes this one sushi place and I'm starving!" Mason yelled and I flinched at how loud her voice was, trying to bury my face further into her legs so I wouldn't have to listen to it. Calum perked up from where he was sitting beside Ashton, pulling his phone out of the sweat pants he was wearing and waving it in the air. "Give me the name so I can look up the menu! And then I'll call it in, my treat. You two are proving to be great entertainment for me, might as well feed you." Calum winked at us and I giggled, Mason snorting above me before telling him the name. Thirty minutes later we were still on the roof but we were waiting for our food this time, moving closer together because the wind was making it feel like 45 degrees instead of 68 and being practically in each others laps helped us keep warm.

Hey guys!

Soooo, I'm bad at updating. And writing. And life in general. But I tried, so be proud of me! I'll update again sometime soon I hope.

Picture is who Mason is based off of, don't make fun of it. They're my favorites put together!


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