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{Laura POV}
Today was the day the third season of Orange is the new black aired and I was so excited that I got to watch it with my cast mates. We all met up at Natasha's place to watch the first couple episodes together.
I was late, due to traffic, but as I walked into her place I could see Lea talking with Taryn who was also talking with Danielle. Tash greeted me with a smile and I walked a couple more feet to see blankets and snacks laid out for everyone. Jackie came over to greet me but I quickly slipped away to see Taylor....
Taylor was sitting on the far corner of the couch, just sitting on her phone. She was smiling so that made me smile. I walked towards her slowly but I quickly stopped myself when I saw Carrie...Taylor's girlfriend...
I turned around immediately and started my conversation with Jackie up again. Tash joined in quickly but sooner than later everyone had arrived and we were all sitting around the television. Samira was sitting with her girlfriend and Tay was sitting with her girlfriend.
I sat as far away from Taylor as I could. I wasn't avoiding her, I just didn't want to see her with Carrie. I wasn't jealous of Carrie and it's not that I didn't like her...I just had a weird feeling when she was in the same environment as me and Tay. When it's just me and Tay we can always laugh and be comfortable with each other; but with her there it was uneasy and hard to relax. But Tay seems happy with her so I out up with Carrie because I try to be a good friend to Taylor.
The lights were off and the mid day sun was blocked by curtains. It was the start of the theme song. Everyone sang along to it because it was tradition. When it finished we were silent and just paid all our attention to the screen. But not all my attention was on the screen. I would find myself glancing over at Carrie who would always seem to be whispering or kissing Taylor's ear, I don't know, it was so dark that I couldn't tell. I would tool my eyes when I saw that because I thought it was childish. I quickly got disgusted and excused myself from the room.

{Taylor's POV}
Carrie was being silly and I thought she was so cute whenever she nibbled my ear. I tried to contain myself but the giggles kept slipping out of my mouth. I stopped myself when I saw in the corner of my eye, Laura leaving. I thought she was going to the bathroom when she went towards the balcony. I excused myself from the room and followed her out there slyly.

"Hey. What are doing out here?" I say

"Oh. Just...getting some air. Its really stuffy in that room" Laura said slowly

"Are you okay? Is there anything you need to talk about? You just seem down ever since I saw you walk in to this place..." I said.

"Nope. I am great, actually. We should probably head in so they don't get curious..." Laura said, brushing past Tay quickly.

"Uh...okay" I said kind of upset. Following L. back inside.

I know Laura. She might not know that I know her, but I know her. I know when she is happy or sad or angry or frustrated or depressed or anything else. But this was different. Something else was bothering Laura but I was having a hard time figuring it out. But I knew I was gonna find out eventually.
I sat back down next to my girlfriend and we finished up to episode three. by the end of that episode everyone was in sobs about Nicky being sent to MAX.
We all hugged Tash and said our goodbyes. Laura walked past me quickly without saying a word.
'What the hell!? She's never done that before! We always say goodbye together!' I thought to myself.
I leave Carrie to chat with Tash and run after Laura. I meet her at her black car.

"Laura! You don't want to say goodbye to your on screen love interest?" Saying sarcastically.

"Oh, sorry. I am kind of in a rush. Goodbye" She said hugging me.

I love our hugs. Laura was the best hugger. She had these warm, inviting arms that are just so irresistible. She never fails to make me feel good inside. She's also tall, so every time we hug my face perfectly fits into her neck. And she smells like vanilla cinnamon. There is not one flaw on her body or in her personality. She is a dream. I love working with her. No one can ever make me feel the things that Laura makes me feel. Not even Carrie...
not even Carrie..

Laylor in real lifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora