Avoid me

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{Taylor POV}

"I need to get to my flight"

"You have time to stop by and talk to her. You can't do this anymore"

"Yes I can and I will. I don't need this kind of drama right now. I need to leave for my flight, I'm late, I'm always late" I said packing my clothes

"Stop being stubborn and be mature. I'm sure Laura wants to talk to you about it"

"Well I don't. I need to go now"


"Thank you uzo, for the the amazing couple of nights you have let me stayed at your place, but now it's time for me to leave"

"Your flight isn't until 2. It's only noon"

"Not taking any chances"

"Why are you leaving anyways?"

"Because I want to travel and traveling gets my mind off things. This is the best thing for me to do right now"

"The best thing for you to do is for you to talk about that kiss with Laura"

"No" I said heading for the door

Before I left she stopped me,
"Alright, you can go, just tell me the real reason for going"

I stopped to think because I couldn't say, to avoid Laura, even if that was the truth,
"As I said before...I like to travel"


I left Uzo's home with a suitcase of my things, I grabbed from my place. I've been staying there after days on set so this way Laura wouldn't be tempted to talk to me. I haven't talked to Laura since the kiss and that was a solid 4 days ago.

I left her house at 12:13 and headed to a diner. I got some coffee and was off to the airport. I was traveling to Italy while I was on break from filming.

I sat in the airport, bored out of my mind. I didn't know if I was doing the right thing by avoiding Laura but I knew I definitely was not going to confront her about it now.

I went on my phone but there wasn't much there so I just sat there, reading. I read until I was called for my flight. I had a regular seat and plugged my headphones in.

The flight was bumpy but manageable.I quickly fell asleep. When I woke up I was already there. I slept the entire way there...wow.

Exiting the plane, I pulled out my phone to call my friends who were meeting me there.

I couldn't get a response for the next hour but when I did I was ecstatic about leaving the airport. We all met at our hotel and got ready to tour. None of them are familiar around the New York area so they don't know anything about there besides the fact I have a show there.

Most of them we're family friends who lived in Massachusetts. I would keep them updated on what was going on but I always left out Laura.

We all unpacked and left the hotel. We walked on for hours. We saw lots of great sights and got to go into lots of massive buildings.

We took a break and sat down for some lunch. One of my friends started a conversation immediately.

"So Taylor...how is Carrie?" He asked

Shit, I never told them...ugh

"She's good...but I wouldn't know at the moment"

"Of course not"


"I mean with you being here with us, you don't know exactly how she is at the moment but it's the thought that counts"

Laylor in real lifeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon