Missing you

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{Taylor POV}

A little after that birthday party everything started to pick up speed. We started filming season 4 today and it was good to see everyone again but it was sad not having Laura on set. She went to visit family and had business of her own to handle.

Ever since filming started up again I've been feeling a whole lot better about the break up. Everyone has been supporting me and it feels good to be loved. Carrie has not talked to me once, since she called me that night. I don't even care. She can do whatever she wants now. No more having to worry about what she's doing.

I can't say I don't miss her though. She's gonna be difficult to get over. Her brown eyes. Crisp voice. Beautiful hair. Prefect skin. She was amazing. What am I gonna do with all my free time? I don't have any plans with her...Laura isn't here...everyone is focused on the show. I am too but I just feel like I need something to fill this whole in my chest. Carrie made me feel complete and it was because she was someone for me to love. That's what I need...someone to love.

I guess I can try to focus on the show as much as everyone else is, hoping it will get my mind off of things. Even if I did want to be with someone, who? I'm not really interested in anyone at the moment. I drop the thought and read my script.

I'm in my trailor right now because I just got on the set. I read over the script and there was a lot here. I think this might be one of the best seasons so far. As I'm reading I see lines for Laura and smile. We have a couple scenes together and some much moor intense than others.

I call Laura, to tell her about the news, but she doesn't answer. I leave her a voicemail to read her script and to call me back. After that I just head back to the set and check in with everyone. We did a table read for some scenes and that as it for the day.

I went straight home after that and didn't talk to anyone on my way out. I can't stop think whether Laura got my voicemail or not. I hop in the shower, because I think best in there, but I can't come up with any logical reason as to why I feel this way. But the thing is, I don't know how I feel...

I would go visit family but I'm working on set. I guess I can wait for the weekend to visit them. For now I put on pajamas and relax In bed. Not long after my phone buzzes. I check to see who it is...it's Carrie.

Carrie- so I've been thinking about texting you and I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done what I did but I got so scared Taylor...anyways, what I'm trying to say is, I want to see you. can you meet me at the shop by my house?

Reading this almost put me in tears. I miss her so much. I shouldn't have done what I did but I did it for the right reason. I couldn't hold those feelings in anymore. Carrie might want to get back together...what do I do? After thinking about it for a while I know what I'm gonna do.

Tay- Yea sure. Be there in 5

I head out. In the car I prepare for what I'm going to say to her. When I arrive I see her sitting at the table in the back looking patient. I nervously walk in and go straight to the table. I put on a smile and act as if I'm fine with her, it on the inside I was yelling so many things.

"Hey, I'm glad you could meet me" she said with a smile

"Yea, no problem. So what did you want to talk about?" I said, sitting down

"Tay...I miss you...a lot. I screwed up, letting you go. I know its probably wrong of me to ask since I was a bitch and dumped you over the phone...but I want you back Taylor"

The words she spoke hurt. After the way she broke up with me, she had the decency to ask me for my hand again? I know that what I did was unforgivable but she's just using me for what she wants. And so was I...I was only using Carrie for an excuse to get over Laura. When really...I don't love Carrie, I love Laura.

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