The unspoken

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{Taylor POV}

Laura and I made up almost a month ago and ever since then, everything has been great. We have had our awesome work schedules together and we have gotten the cast to go out more on Fridays.

The only thing that Laura and I haven't done is hung out on our own. I would like to have some alone time with her but she always claims to be 'too busy'. I can't tell if she's lying to me or if it's the truth.

I've tried so many things to get her attention but all she does is kind of just smirks and walks away. I'm gonna see her on set today so maybe I'll try to talk to her then.

I smiled at everyone at work. Once I got my things settled in the back hall I went on the search for Laura. She wasn't on set or in her trailer. I knew she was here today because I saw her car in the parking lot.

"Hey, uh, Yael?"


"Have you seen Lau?"

"Oh, no, sorry"

"No it's fine. If you see her, can you send her my way?"

"No problem babes"

I walked off in the over direction, still searching for the mysterious woman

With no luck, I walk to the back hall to grab my phone out of my purse. Looking through my black bag I can't find my phone

"Shit" I mumble

"You okay?"

I fell forward, the voice startled me. I turned around to see my dear friend

"Oh, hey Rubes"

"What's wrong?"

"I can't find my phone"

"Oh, that sucks. Do you need help looking for it?"

"Actually, that would be great. If you could look in here and I'll go check my car once more"

"Sure thing"

"Oh, and if you see Laura, can you tell her I need to talk to her"

"Will do"

She smiled her Australian smile at me and I returned the favor. I enjoy being around Ruby. She's a sweet thing.

I went out to my car and searched the front seat. While I was out there I scoped the lot once more for Laura. Still no sign of her. I went back to looking for my phone when I saw an unfamiliar car pull into the lot.

"What the hell?"

Laura got out of the passengers seat and went over to the drivers side. I ducked under my car door, allowing myself to investigate the two


Laura was accompanied by a clean man who is similar to her in height. She smiled into his arms and then he pulled her in to a kiss. When they separated Laura laughed and walked inside.

"What? Who was that guy?"

I stood up to watch him drive away but instead I smacked my head on the door

"Ow! Ah, shit. That hurt"

Thankfully, no one saw me hit my head

Who was that guy? Why was Laura with him at 9 in the morning? I knew I was going to over think about this but I can't help but think the worst.

I catch up to Laura in the back hall. She was sitting at her assigned chair, talking to Yael. I awkwardly walked over to them in the middle of their conversation

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