Confessing feelings Pt.1

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{Taylor POV}

I've spent the past week planning on how to tell Laura I have feelings towards her. I'm just going to fly down there and tell her face to face. That simple.

I got the earliest flight for tomorrow at 8 a.m. Carrie is working on her tour plan so she should be busy enough to not notice me gone; I just won't say anything.

I can barely sleep because the thought of me telling Laura but I manage to squeeze in a couple hours. I got up around 5 so I have enough time to pack and shower without feeling rushed. I grab a couple pairs of jeans and some simple shirts and hop in the shower. I finish quickly and check the time:


I still have so much time. I'm just gonna go back to sleep. I sleep another hour away before heading out the door. I stop at a dunkin donuts on my way to the airport. As I arrive I go threw everything I need.
Extra cash.'

As I thought to myself, I remembered I don't know Laura's address. Shit. I'll just ask her. That won't be suspicious at all, right? Whatever, I'll just do it and say I wanted to prove it to Tasho.

I enter the plane and take my seat and look out the window. My mind is clear and relaxed until I start thinking about Carrie. And Laura. The possibility of Laura not liking me anymore hasn't even crossed me til now. And if Laura doesn't like me and Carrie finds out I have feelings then she won't like me.

Laura is too loyal to just stop liking me because I have feelings, right? I hope so because it's too late to go back, we're already off the ground. The thought keeps stressing me out. The thought of Carrie leaving me is even worse. I still love Carrie. If Laura leaves me nd Carrie leaves me I'll have no one left.

I realize how long I've been thinking about this when the flight attendant announced our land after a 6 hour flight. Wow. 6 hours thinking about Laura, it's a new record.

I get off the plane and take a cab to Laura's address. I can't think straight right now and I don't even know what I'm doing. I pull up to her house and tip the cab lady for the ride. I walk up slowly to the door and hesitate to knock. I raise my hand slowly and even slower take it away. I can't knock on the door, what if a family member answers and makes a big fuss? I need this to be private. I text Laura instead.

Tay- Can you come outside real quick?

Laura- Tay, I'm still at my parents in New Jersey

Tay- I know

I send that text with sweat almost dripping down my face.

Moments later Laura opens the door and the look of shock crosses face. Her perfect jaw drops to the ground and and hee eyes open disturbingly wide. I stand there laughing quietly at her reaction because so far she has just stood there, looking at me.

"Are you just gonna stand there or..." I start saying as I laughed

Laura snaps out of it and runs up to me saying,
"Oh my god Taylor!! You're here- why are you here?- you should be- be in New York" she stutters

"I have to tell you something" I say blatantly

"Yea sure, but I don't know why you didn't just call me-"

"I had to tell you in person"

"I'll be coming back in a couple weeks. You could have told me then"

"Yes but I didn't want to wait and I'm already here"

"Here. Come in-" she invited me in

"No. I can't- I mean, no, just, lets talk out here" I cut her off

"Umm...okay sure. But it must have been a long drive, don't you want food?" She offered

"I flew here and I had snacks anyways so I'm not all that hungry. Laura I need to tell you something" I confirmed

"Yea, what is it?"

{Laura POV}
I sit on the stairs of my front door. Thinking and thinking. Taylor, in front of me, just standing there, tearing up. I just don't know what to think. Taylor stares at me almost in fear. I can't even look in her eyes without getting upset. Before I know it I hear a small mumble of shame come from Tay.

"I have to go" and Taylor walked away.

I didn't get up, I didn't come after her, I didn't say anything back, I didn't even look up from my knees, I just sat there and all I heard was her shoes tapping on the concrete as she runs away and disappears down the street. She'll call a cab probably. So I don't worry too much about it. But those things, those things she said. I just don't understand where it went wrong- or when it went wrong.

I hear a voice behind me, calling me in for an early dinner, considering it was nearly 4 o'clock. I just shoo them away with my hand and sit there. In the sunset. In the cold. In the emptiness of the space. In the words that were just said to me. I don't know what else to do. I feel like a hollow shell of an empty skeleton. I just can't believe that...that- those things Taylor said...about how she felt towards me. I didn't even know she felt that way. And for so long. I just...
Don't know what to do.

*flashback begins*
{General POV}

"So Laura...I need to tell you something very important" Taylor said

"What is it? You can tell me anything" Laura said sweetly

Taylor stutters,
"I don't know how you'll react to this so I'm just gonna tell you the truth. Laura..."
Taylor pauses to look away from the innocent look in Laura's eyes
"Laura, I have feelings. The kind of feelings that keep me up at two in the morning and the ones that give me a rush and it makes my heart race and it makes me smile for no reason..."
Taylor said bravely. She continued.
"I have been having those feelings for a while and I didn't know what they meant and I still don't but I need to confront them"

Laura stared blankly at Taylor, not knowing what she was talking about. Laura finally spoke,
"Taylor I know what feelings are, what do you mean by all of this?"

Taylor took a deep breath,
"Laura...I have these feelings towards you"

Laura's smile faded and Taylor noticed. Taylor grew insecure and tears started forming in her eyes. Laura had a confused look but she knew exactly what Taylor meant.

"Wait, Taylor. What are you- are you saying you have feelings for me?" Laura spoke

"...Yes. And I don't know exactly when I started feeling this way but I know that I just do..." Taylor said, holding back tears

Laura stood there in shock once again. Not a word came from her. She looked Taylor in the eyes and noticed Taylor's lips quivering. Laura had no idea on what to say so she stayed silent, trying to process what she had just been told.

"I...I had no idea...I just..." Laura stuttered, looking at the ground, in search for words

Taylor picked her feet off from the ground and fell apart on the inside. She raised her head slow enough for the tears to escape from her eyes. She was no longer holding back. Taylor had no more control over her emotions. She couldn't take it anymore.
Laura, still sitting there, didn't know how to take it in all at once. Taylor knew she had done what she needed to do and was finished with her business. She left Laura sitting there with nothing but the truth. Too much truth can corrupt the heart, but too little can damage it for an eternity.

Taylor left with the weight of the world off her shoulders, aware of the lightening storm ahead of her. Laura, on the other hand, stayed with the lightening storm already on top of her. Drowning above water is such a common thing, but when it comes to love it suffocates you two times faster.

*flashback ends*

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