The end is near

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{Taylor POV}

Valentine's day was not one of my favorite holidays. Single people complain and relationships complained. It was a day that people were obligated to love.

I still wanted to go out and think about Valentine's day as just another weekend.

I want to go out and have fun. I called up Laura and we made plans to go out.

"So where are we going?"
Laura asked

"Not sure. I just really want to go dancing"

"That sounds great right about now"

"I hope you're okay about spending the day of love with me" I gave it a nervous laughter

"It's fine"

"Is everything okay with you and Zack?"

"We um...we broke up"


I slammed on the brakes when she told me

"Yeah...we ended it"

I continued driving,
"When did this happen?"

"Two weeks ago"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"It's not your problem"

"It is my problem"

"Why do you say that Tay?"

"Because you're my friend and any problem that's yours is mine"

I paused

"I love you"


"No strings attached"



"...I love you too"

"I know"

There was a short pause. I didn't want to feel this way but...I just can't help it.

I still have feelings for Laura. They never left. I have always felt this way, since day one. I'm not sorry for the way I feel because I tried to ignore it but that didn't work

"I think this will be good for us. The both of us just spending some nice time together" Laura said

"Yeah. Well we're here, let's go in"

We walked into the club and immediately started dancing.
We just danced around each other until we got tired.

Neither of us really parted from each other. Tonight was not about meeting new people, it was about appreciating the people we already knew.

We eventually sat down and I was much more stable than Laura. Laura was completely drunk. She couldn't stop laughing and she seemed dizzy but she convinced me to stay at the club.

{Laura POV}

I loved my nights out with Taylor. She had the best spirit. I don't know why I act the way I do when I'm around her sometimes.

I have the feeling that she thinks I'm drunk, but that couldn't be any more wrong. I was just tired. When I get a certain level of tired I can get a little weird. It's like being high, which I haven't been for a while.

" looks so good tonight"

"So do you"

"You look gooder-er"

"You need some water...I'll be right back"

She left to get me water and as she walked away I just focused on her cute figure

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