Jealousy with a side of rage

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{Laura POV}

"Taylor...wake up...I need to tell you something..."

"Laura?" She mumbled

"Taylor, you gotta get up" I said lifting her body off the couch

"What's going on Laura?"

"I need to tell you something and I'm not sure how you'll react..."

"What is it? Just tell me" she said rubbing her eyes

So many things were running through my mind. How was I going to tell Taylor about this? What if she already knows? What if this changes everything? I'm so scared to find out what she's gonna do when she finds this out. I can't keep it to myself any longer...

"Taylor, I am going to tell you something and I need you to be...clam" I said, unsure of how to word it

"Laura, just tell me for Christ's sake" she sounded impatient

"Tay...Carrie got a new girlfriend..."

A look of fright and anger shot across her face. I wanted to runaway because I was scared of what she was going to do. I've never witnessed Taylor through a break up so I don't know if she'll be mad, or sad, or anything.

"Are you okay?" I stuttered

"...Yea...I'm fine"

I new she was lying but I wasn't gonna call her out on it. I went to sit next to her and it began to grow awkward. I shouldn't have told her like this. I should've waited till we were drunk or something. Poor Taylor.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"What's there to talk about?" She said coldly

"I'm sorry Tay, I wish none of this could have happened"


"Can I just ask one thing?" She said

"Anything...go ahead"

"Well it's kind of like two things"

"Ask me anything you'd like"

"Who is it?"

The question struck me harder than it should have. For some reason I couldn't find the answer to that question. I knew who the girl was but I just couldn't speak at all.


"Oh sorry. I think her name...was uh...Miranda...Miranda July, or something" I stuttered

"Oh...I don't know her..."

There was a pause in the air. Taylor just looked disappointed. I kind of regret telling her now.

"Was there another thing you wanted to ask me?"

"Oh yea, um...why...Why are you telling me all of this?" Taylor said with a lack of volume

"I just wanted to be the one who told you when you found out"


"And also so I could do this" I pulled out a carton of strawberry ice cream

Taylor giggled and sniffles after that


I felt awful that Taylor has to go through this. Carrie probably didn't even like Taylor that much. Or she's just using Miranda as an excuse to hide her feelings for Taylor. Who does that?

For some reason I filled with rage. I didn't like Taylor to be like this. I could tell Tay was jealous from the way she angrily beat her ice cream with her spoon. I just wanted Carrie to go away. From all of our life's.

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