Confessing feelings Pt.2

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{Taylor POV}

Sitting in the dark, in an oversized-baggy shirt, with food stains all over and no pants, is not exactly attractive. I don't care anymore. I feel like I just made the worst decision of my life. I can't believe I told Laura I had feelings. I've kept it in for so long, how could I let it slip out now. But this wasn't an accident. I did this because I needed to get that off my chest.

I got back from New Jersey the same day. Around 11 o'clock, I arrived and came straight home. I haven't talked to Carrie since I got back, which was last week. That's another issue; do I tell Carrie I have feelings for Laura? Or do I ignore them once again and keep living my daily routine? But what if Laura feels something? No. She's not into girls.

Sleep is my only escape. I would drink but thy would mean leaving my couch and that isn't happening anytime soon. I sleep everyday. If I'm not sleeping I'm watching television. I have lost the will to eat.

I got a text from Carrie asking where I was since I haven't called her the past week. I replied that I wasn't feeling well. She offered to come help me and I didn't refuse this time. She was over in the next hour.

"Taylor?" I heard a common voice come through the door after a couple knocks.

"In here" I say loud enough for her to hear me

Carrie put her purse down and walked into my living room and into my mess. She looked disgusted but I didn't care.

"Tay, your house is a mess" she stated the obvious

"Well actually, only my living room is a mess" I contradicted

She glares at me as I sit up and she sits down next to me.

"Taylor, what's wrong?" She asked

"I just don't feel well. I have a stomach ache and I'm just so tired" I try to convince her

"Well you keep wallowing in your filth while I make you some dinner. You need some reall food; enough of this Twinkie crap" she collected wrappers all over me ad headed for the kitchen.

I stay on the couch and don't even bother thinking about anything. I close my eyes and let go of my body. Minutes felt like seconds. I was woken up by a plate of hot shepherds pie and a Carrie.

"Taylor. Wake up. You've been asleep for almost an hour. It's time to eat"

An hour? But I just shut my eyes. It's funny how twisted life is. Sometimes I just want to throw it away.

Carrie sits next to me and watches me eat. I look at her and we both smile. I knew it. I knew I was happy with her. I don't think I need to tell her about Laura. Laura and I will stay aside, Carrie is much more important. I just hope Laura is willing to forget I ever said anything, not that I regret it, I just think I should've thought about it more. That's also the problem; I think too much about things. Oh well. I guess we'll see how things turn out.


{Laura POV}

I drink the nights away as I sleep through the days. I might as well block my mind from any emotion since I can't feel any. My family doesn't know about my doings because I sneak out like a 13 year old. Every night for the past week I've been going out to drink from 2-5 in the morning.

I am heading out for my 8th night since I've seen Taylor. As I was opening the door my 10 year old cousin, Lilly, stopped me.

"Laura?" Her innocent, soft, child voice spoke

I turn around nervously,
"Yes? Hi Lilly"

"What are you doing? Where are you going?" She spoke softly

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