The morning after

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{Taylor's POV}
I woke up to one of the most beautiful women in my life. She looked so gorgeous with her short brown hair and chocolate chip eyes. I wonder how I got so lucky to know that I ended up with her. She's great. She always made me feel great. Whenever we touched there was always a connection and a spark in every kiss. She made me happy. But sometimes there was just something wrong. The spark wasn't there, the connection faded and I was just tired. What? What does that even mean? I enjoyed being with Carrie. A lot. She made me happy. But not the happiest...

Whenever I felt my most depressed or sad there was only one person who came to mind. She was the first person who came to mind. In fact, she never really left. Even when I was with Carrie, I would find myself thinking about her. Laura. Her name was beautiful. She was beautiful. I don't know why I thought this. I didn't feel anything towards Laura because I was with Carrie but still...

I decided to text someone to see if they were awake since Carrie was still asleep. The first person I think of is Laura but she probably doesn't want to talk to me...screw it.

Tay- Heyy

Laura- Hey girl

Tay- I was bored so I thought I would text you. Sorry if I'm annoying.

Laura- You're all good. You never annoy me

Tay- So what's up?

Laura- Staying at home and finishing season3. You?

Tay- That sounds so good right now. I'm not doing anything.

I glance at Carrie as I send the risky text

Laura- Do you want to come over? We can finish it together and cuddle on my couch

Tay- That sounds about perfect but I'm kind of busy at the moment

Laura- With what?

Tay- Carrie

Laura- Oh. Well then I'll leave you two, to it. If you leave early text me or just drop by anytime, I'll be here all day;)

Tay- Thanks. I really appreciate it

Laura- Have fun. Bye babes.

Tay- Laura...

Laura- Yea?

Tay- I'll tell you later. Bye.

Why did I do that? I wanted to hang out with her. But I couldn't also just leave Carrie. Now I'm stuck here.

I went to the kitchen to grab a snack. I grabbed an Apple and sat down near the white window ledge of the huge apartment building. I looked out it for what seemed like seconds. Then I noticed the large city in front of me and fast everything was moving. I noticed how fast my mind was racing but every turn it made it found itself on Laura. Her smile. Her laugh. Her everything. Out of nowhere my heart started beating faster and faster and faster. I suddenly started to shake and get sweaty.

"Taylor? Are you okay? What's wrong?" Carrie said sneaking up behind her.

"What? Oh, nothing...just enjoying the view" I said weakly. Pointing to the city beneath them

"You were just shaking. What's wrong?" She said.

"I just have a couple things on my mind...that's all" I didn't know what to tell her...

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No. I just need some air-" I said walking to grab my things from the kitchen.

"You're gonna leave. Okay. Do you need me to come with you?" She said curiously.

"I think I just want to be alone right now. Sorry babe. I need to go home right now." It was weird. As soon as I said that I immediately thought of Laura...

"I understand. Be safe." She kissed me on the cheek and I made my way out the door.

I headed straight for my silver car and drive away as fast as I could. I didn't know where I was going or why I was driving so fast but I just needed to get away from my thoughts.

As soon as I realized where I was I started to panic. Why was I here? Why did I come here so quickly? Why did I leave Carrie to come here? Ugh. This was all too frustrating. I calmed down and pulled myself together. One breath after the other I looked up and slowly started to get out of the car. I decided that if my brain can't make a decision then I'll let my body take over.

I approached Laura's front door. It's not the first time I've been here; we've always had those casual get togethers that would involve wine and food. I slowly observed her massive house in the far end of the city. It was quiet for a Saturday but I didn't focus on that. I found each of my legs get heavier and heavier as I climbed each of her front steps. Eventually I was at the front door with my hand in a small fist. I raise it to knock but find myself hesitating.

I peek through the window to see Laura on her couch, half under a blanket, and eating a bowl of chips. She is so cute when she's all cuddled up. I stare. And stare. Not aware of how long I have been standing there, my hand falls asleep. I snap back to reality.

I place my hand on the doorknob and slowly turn it. Stop. I need to stop. I turn around and return to my car and drive off. I drive back to Carrie's apartment. I knock on the door and she immediately answers it.

"Taylor? What are you doing?
I thought you needed air?"

I don't respond and just walk into her. I start kissing her face all over. I needed someone to love. I felt so lost and confused. I shouldn't doubt my relationship with her. So I attacked her with my love to prove that. She returned the favor. And when we finished we were sweating on the couch with a single blanket over our naked body's. She smiled herself to sleep. I lie next to her feeling numb. I felt nothing. Not one thing. But I also did. What does that mean?

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