How things turn out

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{Laura POV}
I love being with my family. They're extremely hilarious. All they do is make jokes. I get to watch football with my dad, cook dinner for the family, hang out with my younger cousins. I just wish I had someone to share this with.
I wish Taylor was here. My family would consume her humor and the way she makes everyone around her happy. I wonder what she's doing right now... Maybe I should call her to check in.
No. I'm at dinner right now, with my family, I can't just leave to call her. She's probably busy with Carrie anyways.

"Laura..." My mother interrupted my thoughts.

"Y-Yeah?" I say, coming back to reality

"You were zoned out; you never zone out, unless you're thinking about someone. Who is it?" My mom says politely

"No-one. It's nothing mom"
By this time all my family was staring at me and I was beginning to grow uncomfortable.

"I need to excuse myself for a minute"
I say leaving the table in a flash.

I walk outside of the front door of my home. I look around at all the empty spaces. I feel so empty right now. I need to talk to someone, I need to talk to Taylor. I pull out my phone and dial her number. Seconds go by and it's still ringing. It goes to voicemail so I hang up. I lose control and find myself calling repeatedly. Almost 14 calls later I quit.I go back inside and go up to the room I was staying in.
Hours of staring at the blank wall led to my slumber. I don't even know what all that was I about, I never freak out like that. I'm usually so good and controlling myself.
I wake up in the morning around 5. Everybody else is asleep so I just make myself a cup of tea in the kitchen. The house was silent. Silence was my enemy. Its were my secrets and deepest thoughts hid. Once I was there, it almost felt like there was no escape.
Suddenly my phone began buzzing. It was Taylor. I answer and she immediately blew up.

"Hello?! Laura? Oh my God! Are you okay? What's wrong?!" Taylor said in a panic

"Hello. Hi. Taylor. Calm down. You're panicking" I said in a mellow tone

"You called me last night for about 10 minutes straight, of course I'm panicking!"

"It's fine. Everything is fine now. I just needed someone to talk to last night"

"Oh...well I can talk now. I'm sorry it took so long to return the call. Are you alright?" She said calming down

"Yes. Everything is fine now" I lied. I couldn't tell her what was wrong with me...I didn't even know what was wrong with me.

"Do you need anything? Can I do anything for you?" She said sweetly

"No" I said in a whisper

"Well if you do need anything again, I'll keep my eyes out for your call. Or maybe I should just come down there to New Jersey" she laughed at the joke

I chuckle along and say, "Yea...well I'll call you of there's anything. Talk to you later. Bye"
And I hung up. Wishing she would come down here to see me. I need her right now. I need my best friend. Or another one of my close friends but I would prefer her.

{Taylor POV}
Laura called me at least 10 times or somehthing. Obviously something was wrong. I just don't know what it was.
I'm with Carrie at the moment and she practically just shunned me for even calling her back. We got back from dinner a couple hours again and fell asleep and that's why I missed all her calls. I slept over and we just woke up. Now she won't even look at me. I leave Carrie to pout on her bed while I go to make breakfast. I think and think of what to do about Laura but I'm clueless.
She's already been gone for about 4 weeks so she should be back in a couple more. I'll see her then and if its still bothering her then I can comfort her then. When she gets back we'll have a convention to go to and that way she can talk to me.
I cook a quick breakfast and eat even quicker. Carrie is still in bed so I wrap up her food and tell her I'm leaving; I'm not in the mood to put up with her bullshit right now. I leave in an instant and drive back to my place. It's so dark and dirty here since I haven't been here over the weekend since I've been making it up to Carrie.
I need to change my clothes. I run up to my room and throw on the first pair I see. Its a black shirt and some black yoga pants. Why are they so big on me? Did I shrink 3 sizes? I investigate the clothing I have put on and after a few rounds of sniffing and feeling them I realized...they aren't mine. I would know the scent of vanilla-cinnamon anywhere. These are Laura's clothes. Why are hee clothes here? In my room?


Oh my God. I still have her pajamas from when I spent the week with her and I had to come back here to change for our last day together. They still feel great. The more and more I spend sitting omg eh edge of my bed admiring the scent of her clothing I begin to grow more and more sad. I miss Laura. So much. More than I thought I would.
Spending time with Carrie distracted my mind from Laura. That was the point, right? To distract myself from her. Is that all Carrie is now? A distraction? She shouldn't be. She's a human with emotions and feelings and deserves to be treated with respect. I'm not doing my job at respecting her. I need to stop this game. I can't use Carrie as a distraction from Laura anymore. But if I don't have Carrie, what am I gonna do? My mind will only be focused on Laura.
Maybe its time. Time to start acting like an actual person. I need to confront Laura. These feelings I've been having need to be settled. But Laura's miles away... Should I just wait? No. This is too important. I need to see her this week and in person. I'm gonna go tell Laura how I feel.

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