Finding out

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Hermione's POV

I was in my room reading Hogwarts: A History for probably the thousandth time when my mum yelled "Hermione dear could you please come down here for a moment." " Coming mum." i yelled. When i walked down stairs i saw a young girl about a year younger then her , a middle aged women and her worst enemies best friend Blaise Zabini. " Hello , i'm Hermione Granger ,what brings you here?" i asked.

" Hermione , there's something we need to tell you, you where adopted because your mother couldn't have kids we went to and adoptive agency and we saw you and immediately fell in love with you , so we adopted you, these people here are your real family." said my 'mother'. " My name is Isabella Zabini, this is your younger sister Anna and this is your younger twin brother Blaise , we had to give you up for adoption other wise if Lord Voldermort found out that we had a baby girl he would have marked you with the dark mark when you where in 6th year  and possibly do even worse things to you like the other female born Purebloods.We didn't want that to happen so we put you up for adoption hoping to protect you from the dangers of death eaters, please will you forgive us for are mistakes and come home with us?" said Hermione's mum.

Before I answer I debate over my choices in my head. I don't know these people and they don't know me but it would be a good way to find out where I'm from and just because I have my bio parents now doesn't mean I'll stop talking to my adoptive ones. " Of course i would love to, although i will miss my adoptive parents i want to give my new life a chance,"i said" But what is my real name if my name isn't Hermione?" I asked. "Your real name is Mia Athena Aphrodite Artemis Olympus Zabini" said my mum. " Cool, like some of the Greek goddesses." i said. " yes, mum has a fascination with Greek Mythology." said Blaise.

10 minutes later i'm packed and i'm leaving to go to my real home at the Zabini's , i say goodbye to my adoptive parents and Apparate to Zabini Manor.

( A/N forgot to mention that Ron and hermione aren't together and that Ron cheated on her with Lavender brown, Hermione had a glamour put on her and now it has been taken off. that is what the transformation is in the next chapter)

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