Why did the last kiss tear us apart?

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~Kellin's POV~

I look up to see Mike and to my surprise he sat next to me I looked at Justin in confusion but he just smiled and walked away. I'm pretty sure he just wants me to leave them alone.

I wiped away some tears that had recently fell and cleared my throat, "Look, if you want me to leave you and the rest of the band alone I will."

"I just want to talk about something." He stated.

"Go on.." I insisted.

"What happened with you and Vic? You and him were best friends now look at you two!" Mike raised his voice.

It all started with the kiss and from there it was rock bottom. I miss him. "Were"

"You know what Kells?"


"How about you come over to the bus and we'll talk this out like civilized adults."

I was about to say ok but I remembered what Vic said earlier 'I said leave me alone and I meant it Kellin!' Those words created a loop that played through my head, "How can I be so stupid." I thought to myself.

I looked up from the ground to face him, "I don't think that's a good idea Mike. Vic told me to leave him alone." I told him in all most a whisper, "and I'm going to respect his choice."

Mike looked at me and shook his head. "No, we're going to talk about this." He grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me up running to his bus.

"Mike no" I tried to make him loose grip on me before we got to their bus but soon enough we were there.

Mike opened the door and sat me on their little couch. "VIC, GET YOUR ASS UP." Mike yelled.

It wasn't much longer until' I heard Vic's voice, "NO, I'M SLEEPING."

-Vic's POV-

"WE NEED TO TALK." I didn't yell back I was too tired. I buried my face into a pillow.


Soon enough Mike made his way to my bunk and ripped open my curtain, "Mike, just let me sleep." I begged him.

"Kellin is here."

I snapped, "Then I think you should tell him to leave."

Mike didn't say anything, he just picked me up and three me behind his back, "MIKE STOP, LET ME DOWN." I hit and kicked him but he just walked out to where I suppose Kellin was.

He sat me down on our couch that curved perfectly around the back room of our bus, "I'm fixing this."

I looked around and Kellin was sitting across from me with his head down and Mike sat in the middle.

Mike began questioning, "So what happened between you two?"

The kiss.

Either me or Kellin answered. I just looked at my shoes.

"What about the party?"


"I know you guys miss each other."


"Am I right?"

Well, I miss him. He may not miss me...

"Will you at least nod or shake you head?'


"Come on guys, please?"

I love my brother but I'm starting to get annoyed already.

"Are you two ever going to talk again?"

I wish.

He kept on questioning and I was about to yell at him when he asked, "You two only started acting distant when Kellin fell and hit his head then you had him brought here. What happened? Why can't you two just tell me?"

"Vic and I kissed. Ok? Are we done?" He hissed.

Mike looked at me for conformation of what Kellin just blurred out.

I shook my head, yes. There really wasn't anything I had to say I was just at shocked as he was.

"So are we done here? I'd like to go back to my bus now and get ready to go on stage." He looked at his phone and up at us emotionless, "Ok, See ya later." Even though we said nothing he forced a smiled and walked out.

I looked over to Mike and smiled while trying to hold back some tears forming, "Thank you."

He gave me a confused look and pulled me into a hug, "For what?"


I couldn't hold back the tears any longer. I managed to choke out the words, "Mike, I think I like him."

Then it All Hit Me (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now