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.~Kellin's POV~

It was Vic's last day in this hell hole of a hospital and I couldn't be more happy about it but there's just one thing eating at me and every time I think about it I break down a little inside. Vic and I will be going home, our home being in separate states. I don't know if the same thought crossed Vic's mind yet but it's all I've been thinking about. The only good thing I see out of it is that I get to see Copeland.

Vic just got out of his last scan and I wish sitting in his room swinging my legs beneath the chair while he was talking to his parents about god knows what. "Kellin, don't you agree." Like a said god knows what. "Yeah." I faked a smile an sat up straighter in my seat to show that I was 'listening'

"What's your thoughts." Mike spoke up and I'd be lying if I didn't wish I would've been listening now.

"Green is a lovely color." I said and everybody laughed which didn't help much because I felt my cheeks burning up.

"Do you even know what we're talking about?" Vic laughed once more.


"Come here." Vic patted a spot next to him I cautiously took the spot next to his and he attempted to lace his fingers with mine. I pulled back and mouthed 'are you sure' since we haven't told his parents yet and I didn't want a big scene made out of this.

"Yes, you idiot they're fine with it. So are the Jaime and Tony. Right?" By now all eyes were on us and I felt my cheeks burn again. Vic grabbed my hand and laced my fingers with his. "This." Vic lifted our hands in the air and they laughed and turned to their regular conversations. "Told them awhile ago." He winked.

It made me mad that he didn't tell them with me since you know... Big deal but I had to shrug it off, for Vic.


The room cleared and now it was only Vic and I. I've decided to ask him now about how we're gonna work out since visiting hours will soon be over, now or never right? "Vic?" He looked up from his phone and smiled at me. "We're going home tomorrow." I sighed.

"I know." He put his hand on my thigh, "I'm going to miss you."

I'm starting to hate the thought of of us not being together more and more. "I just got you back."

He laid his head on my shoulder and nuzzled his nose against my neck, the tingling sensation made me giggle like one of those girls you see on TV when their crush notices their existence, "You'll still have me, I promise." He hummed. "Unless I run into another really cute and clumsy guy by the name Kellin Bostwick." I blushed and decided If today was going to be our last day together for awhile then I wanted to make it worth while. I had a perfect idea in mind of what to do.

"Vic?" I got a mumbled 'hm' in response so I decided to keep going, "Do you care if I go somewhere for just a couple minutes?"

"You're not leaving me for good are you?" He joked and I pecked his lips with mine before quickly getting up and walking out the door, heading to the front desk.

I asked the nurse where the grocery store was and she kindly gave it to me. It ended up being four blocks away but I'd walked farther before and this is more worth it.

I made it to the grocery store and bought a few small things before checking out and continuing my walk back.

When I made it back to the hospital I hurried back to Vic's room to see him on his phone. He hadn't noticed me yet and I was a little happy about that because he looked really into whatever he was doing and it was adorable. I can't believe I'm with Vic Fuentes, "I hope you're not looking at porn." I spoke up jokingly and he looked up and winked at me.

"What'cha got there?" He gestured to the bags.

I walked over to this little desk that had this cool feature which pulls out a trey set food on, it just really fascinates me okay, and started setting out our small lunch that will consist of sandwiches and a scented candle. "We're having a lunch date." I said bluntly.

"So romantic." He cooed and set his phone aside. "Our first date in a hospital bed. That's really.. Oringinal? Are you even allowed to bring food in here?"

"Well, have any better ideas? And I don't know." I set up the sandwiches and lit the candle with the small box of matches I found in the store. Then, sat in front of Vic on his bed, pulling the trey over to us.

We both made small talk and I couldn't help but stare at him in admiration because its strange how Victor Vincent, the most handsome guy I've ever met could end up with me. I just wish we didn't have to leave each other for the time being.

"I'll miss you." I said completely off subject to whatever he was on. He just looked at me with sadness in his eyes.


This is short and lame because I'm working on a new Kellic ff.

Forgive me

I will tell you when it's up on wattpad(:

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