We blossom then die

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~Vic's POV~

I woke up probably around 5 in the morning judging by the amount of daylight in Kellin's arms with a blanket over us. I couldn't help but smile at the floor, why? Like I said I'm in Kellin,Quinn,Bostwick's arms. After all of the fighting I was finally in his arms. I have to admit though it did feel a bit weird but at the same time it felt right. I'm so happy I have him back, my Kells.

I turned to face him debating on if I should wake him since I wasn't going back to sleep any time soon.

I stared at him for awhile taking in every detail about his until' I decided I'd wake him up with a small shake and repeating him name until' his eyes started to twitch open with a small smile on his face.

"Vic, hey." He said with yawn.

I smiled, "Hey."

"What time is it?" He asked yawning again causing me to also.

"By the looks of it 5 or 6 in the morning." I nudged into his neck, "I'm wide awake and I didn't want to just leave you."

"Oh, thanks. We could go get a coffee or something if you want...?" He sat up.

"Sounds great I'll go get changed!" I hugged him and kissed his temple then stood up.

His hair was all over the place but he managed to pull it off and his eyes were closed slightly from being just woken up. He started to make grabby hands at me which was completely adorable, "No, you look fine!" He groaned.

"But, I need a shower too, I'll only be 10 to 15 minutes."

"Hurry back we need to talk about some things." His voice was a bit shaky.

"Right."I hugged him and kissed his temple, "I'll see you soon Kellin Quinn!" I yelled not caring about the rest of the band as I shut the door behind me giving a small smile.

I was at a new venue, new city, and the busses were lined up differently. I had no idea where I was going and it being half-night half-day and freezing outside isn't helping anything. 'I should just call Mike' I mumbled to myslef reaching for my phone to find an empty pocket, "Shit" My phone was on my bus; great.

I was starting to give up and head back to the SWS bus when I heard a faint voice "Hey bro, you need help with anything?"

I turned to see Austin Carlile, "Uh actually I need help finding my bus." I smiled in embarrassment.

He smiled back, "They're getting gas for the bus. They should be getting back soon."

"Thanks." I laid my arms on my knees and laid my head on my arms.

"No problem, why aren't you with them anyways?"

I yawned- god why am I so tired all the sudden- "I stayed on the Sleeping With Sirens bus."

"Oh so you and Kellin are fine now?" He questioned.


"Th-" Austin got cut off by the sound of a bus pulling in- my bus. I really have to hurry its getting brighter outside, I hope Kelllins not mad.

I stood up, "Hey listen, I have to go right now. Catch up with you later?"

"Yeah." He smiled and waved.

I got to my bus and I went straight to the shower tugging off my shirt, pants, and boxers.

The water felt so good compared to outside. I washed off my body and grabbed the shampoo from my left not really caring who's it was.

Then it All Hit Me (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now