Chapter 23 - Getting ready

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Saryah harrumphed as the other three gushed over dresses and flowers. She wanted to tell Ben about the amazing song and the move God did in her heart. She decided to go back out and try to enjoy this part. She wanted Ben. She wanted Ben home; with her.

Her computer made a noise that she hadn’t heard in so long that she almost wasn’t sure what it was. Then it hit her like an arrow between her eyes.

 “BEN!” Saryah clicked answer on the video conference screen. Her hands went to her face and she tried with all her might to stop the tears that threatened to spill. She failed.

“OH BEN! Are you okay?” Her tears made her sound like an upset child.

“Yes, baby! I’m fine. Are you okay?” He raised an eyebrow.

“I am now. I have so much to tell you.” They both said at the same time.

“We’ve done this before. You go first this time.” Saryah began to tell him about hearing the song, praying, and giving her life back to God.

“That’s wonderful, baby! But, Saryah, you’re not gonna believe this!” And Ben told her about his experience.

“Ben! That’s … wow!” Happy tears streaked her features, and he started laughing.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” He knew he didn’t have much time.

“Ben, I’m so happy I can’t see straight.”

“And, I only had ten minutes, but I’ll call you soon. I love you! Keep smiling. It’s almost over!”

She smiled. “I love you too! I can’t believe what God’s done for us!”

“I know! See you soon, beautiful!” And his face was gone again. She smiled and walked out to the others, ready to face the future.

# # # # #

“How’s the Mrs., Russ?” Ben asked as he walked back to the meeting area.

“She’s doing great. Baby girl is growing fast. Kinda brought a tear to my eye, seeing her. I miss that little munchkin. Wait. While I’m thinking about it - here.” He handed Ben a camouflaged book. “As promised. I suggest the Gospel of John, but Philippians 4:13 is one of my key verses. It says, and this will probably sound familiar: ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.’ The other is Romans 8:37: ‘We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.’ Both have brought me through more battles, physical and spiritual, than I can ever tell you. Actually, just read all of Romans 8. It’ll encourage you.”

“Thanks, man. OH!” Ben’s eyes lit up when he thought about telling Russ about his conversation with Saryah. “You’ll never believe this. Last night, for us anyway, my fiancée was listening to the radio and heard the same song you sang. She gave her life back to God, probably about the same time I did. Is that crazy or what?”

“Nope!” He said with a deep chuckle. “That’s not crazy! That’s the God I serve! He will do things ‘Exceeding abundantly above what we can ask or even think.’ That includes saving both of you at the same time on opposite ends of the planet. He’s just that awesome! I gotta go! Talk to ya soon!” He high-fived, and then hugged Ben, ending in a back-slapping contest of sorts, before walking off to his destination.

Ben returned to his “office” to get some work done. He couldn’t stop smiling.

# # # # #

The next few weeks flew past faster than the first half of the deployment. Before she knew it, it was time for redeployment. Saryah had been so busy with wedding plans and work that she had little time to spend thinking about Ben and how long he’d been gone. She knew it was about to be crazier than before.

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