Chapter one

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(Percy's point of view)
The bell rings. It's lunch time- the best time of the day (well at least of the school day. The real fun starts after it.)
My bro Jason and me rush down the hallway and stairs to get to the cafeteria, on the way there we met Nico, who, of course, goes with us.
When we arrive just Reyna and Hazel already sit on our table, but I'm pretty sure the other ones will come soon.
The three of us sit down, Nico starts a talk with Reyna immediately, Jason and me just continue joking around.
Finally Annabeth and Piper arrive and sit down between us, I softly kiss Annabeth's cheek.
Right after them Frank and Bianca arrive, and then finally Will.
Our group is complete.
While our group maybe isn't the right description of us.
We sit together every day at lunch, the whole year and also the whole last year (but last year without Hazel), but I honestly don't know how we got to this.
We're all really different. Like really different. Some of us may be best friends, but some of the others barely even like everyone here.
Like Reyna for example. She's pretty cool and all, but I think the only Reason she even sits with us is that she and Nico are best friends, her relation to most of the other ones is more complicated than everything else. Or not even existing.
Piper for example would usually never talk to her, since Reyna is Jason's ex-girlfriend and expect for their taste in boys they have nothing in common. Sometimes I even think they hate each other.
But here, at lunch, it's okay.
I mean, Piper is still really mean to Reyna sometimes, and Reyna isn't someone who wouldn't react to those things, but Piper is basically mean to everyone.
Not mean like a villain of course, she just can be really bitchy.
But I still like her, I guess most times she doesn't even mean it like this. And when you can count her to your friends, like Annabeth, Jason, Nico and I, she's the loyalist and loveliest person ever.
But Nico can count nearly everyone in the world to his friends.
You jump can't dislike him. He's always happy and friendly, and he's really geeky, but in a cool way.
He's also gay, but I honestly don't mind, nobody of us does. He's just one of the most awesome people I know.
I think he's also the only reason for Will to be here. Of course I like Will, he's okay, but I'm also a little bit scared of him.
I know that this is wrong and without any reason, I also know that he got much shit in his life going on. He's the saddest and most broken person I know, and I bet I don't even know half of his problems. Sometimes I wonder how Nico gets along with this guy, how he manages it to make him smile and to eat something.
Well, how I said, he's amazing


(Reyna's point of view)
Nico had turned around and talks to Will now, so I just eat in silence and listen to the other ones talks.
Piper and Annabeth have just the usual talk about make-up, fashion, other people and their personal life.
To be honest, I don't really like them. I guess Annabeth is kind of cool, I actually know that she's much smarter and much more of a badass than she looks like.
If you spend time with het you realize really fast that she isn't the stereotypical blonde princess she's on the first view, and even most people think she and Percy are just a couple to make out and that they're just interested in each other because of the way they look, I know that this isn't the point.
Like seriously, they love and respect and appreciate each other so much, it would be goals if they wouldn't be so annoying sometimes.
Percy is really cool at all, but he isn't that hard and not-a-fuck-giving than most people think.
I could totally kick his ass, but I guess people know that.
I used to have kind of a crush on him once, but it wasn't serious. Not like it was with Jason. And in the end they both found someone else anyway.
Also I feel like every person in the whole school had a crush on Percy at some point. I bet even Jason, who is as far as I know straight as a ruler.
But it isn't Percy's fault, the idiot doesn't even have a clue about how other people see him.
I remember his face when Nico told him that he used to have crush on him very well, it was hilarious.
He couldn't believe that anyone, especially a person like Nico, could ever like him.
This was also Nico's official comming out, before just his sister Bianca, Jason and I knew.
Bianca, his sister, had been so proud of him. She fights so much for sexual and gender equality. She would have killed everyone who would have said something against Nico.
Well, we all would kill everyone who would ever hurt Nico.
I wish I could be as brave as Nico. 'Cause even I may seem like nothing would ever scare me, there are actually many things that do. First of all my own feelings.


So, this was the first chapter. I hope someone is going to read, and probably even to like it.
If it doesn't bother you it would be very nice if you could tell me what you think so far, or if you have any suggestions or ideas.

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