Chapter 10

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(Piper's point of view)
Sometimes I feel so empty.
Or, no, that's not right. I'm always feeling empty.
Not that I'm always sad, or worrying, just empty.
And I know why I feel so.
I've always felt like that, because my dad was never around.
As an famous actor he's always everywhere but home.
I really love my dad, but I'm also so angry at him.
He would buy me everything, but the one thing I really want, I need, I never got.
And the more I tried to fill the hole inside of me where he should be with other things, things like money, clothes, drugs, other people, the bigger it got.
And then I met Leo and everything turned worse.
I mean, not at the beginning.
At the beginning we were friends, just friends, which was awesome because every boy always tried to flirt with me and he didn't.
He flirted with every girl, but I was the only one he was just in a normal way nice to.
And we had all the stupid jokes and pranks and he was so annoying and such a great best friend.
And then he got on that plane and never came back.
And the hole inside of me that slowly got smaller through the last time opened again, bigger, more hurting than before,it made me feel like falling into a deep darkness and let me remember all my fears and worries I had forgotten with the time.
It's like this emptiness is constantly repeating his name:
Leo. Leo. Leo. Leo. Leo. Leo. Leo. Leo. Leo. Leo. Leo
But there's never an answer.
Of course I have Jason.
I love him so much and he means so much to me, but sometimes I'm not sure if I'm as important for him as he's for me and I know he cares, but I wish he would show this sometimes.
Like, he's there, and he makes me feel better, but he also makes me feel so alone when he's around me.
And I feel so lost when he isn't around me.
It's just so complicated.
And then there's Annabeth.
She's an amazing friend. I love her and appreciate her, but in the last time she seems so broken (well, of course she does) and I want to help her so bad, but I don't know how and I'm just strong enough to hide how depressed I am, and I can't do as much for her as I want and that makes me sick.
Whatever, I have to get ready for my date with Jason later.


(Percy's point of view)
'Percy, have you done your homework?'
'Yes, mom.'
'Percy, I know you haven't, make them now.'
'Fine mom.'
I walk into my room and start with my homework.
I don't work deep on them, they're going to be wrong anyway.
Sure, I could ask my mom for help, but then it would take much more time.
All this stuff isn't important anyway, I'm just doing it so Sally won't think I'm that much of a fail.
'Oh, and by the way, Paul comes over for dinner.' She informs me.
She sounds really happy.
'I know. He always comes over for dinner. And nearly everything else. Why don't you just ask him to live here.' seriously, adults can be so complicated. And Sally and Paul both are really cool.
'Just do your homework' she says laughing.


(Jason's point of view)
Shit. Shit. Shit.
Just everything.
The whole world.
You know this, when you got one little problem, but out of this you get a bigger one and you try to get everything okay, but everything just gets worse and then you're swimming in problems and lies and you don't know how to get out?
That's my life.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
Probably this because of my way to deal with problems.
Ignoring them until stuff clears itself.
Yes, I know this doesn't work.
But that's a problem I can ignore.

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