Chapter 3

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This chapter includes self harm
(Will's point of view)
I walk home, go straight into my room and lock the door.
I grab under my bed and pull out a razor blade.
My parents hate me.
One pain can take the other one away.
I'm too stupid.
At least for a little while.
Too dumb.
And when the one pain
Not worth anything.
Starts to kill me again
I can't get happy
I can just pull out another one
Without losing the one thing
And find peace
That keeps me
In my red blood
From killing
On my red wrist.
One pain can take the other one away.
Every thought a cut. Every cut a promise.
I lay the razor blade away.
I look at my bloody wrist.
I get my head up and go on with my life.
Because I have something worth living for.


(Bianca's point of view)
We, my brother Nico and my sis Hazel, walk home together in silent, none of the two said a word for the last 15 minutes.
They both seem really lost in their thoughts.
It's funny how the two of them, who look actually so different, have sometimes the exact same facial expressions.
They're so cute.
I just hope they're alright. I can imagine without a problem what they're thinking about. In some way it's always the same.
It must be amazing, sure sometimes hard, sad and even painful, but also amazing to love a person that much that everyone who knows you can tell for sure that you're thinking about this person.
Even I sometimes feel like I'm the only one who really knows Nico and Hazel. And I'm pretty sure that both of them have some mysteries. I have too.
I'm so happy that Hazel lives with us now. I mean sure, the circumstances have been horrible, especially for her, but for our family it was good.
I feel really bad and egotistical for thinking like that, but since the day Marie Levesque died everything else turned so much better.
Mom and Dad stoped fighting- probably because all their fights were usually about dad's affair with Hazel's mum years ago.
We were finally allowed to see our sister regularly and even Hazel wouldn't ever say a word against her mother, I know that it's better for her to live with us.
Even this sounds so incredibly wrong and heartless.
But now she's surrounded by people who care about her. Not that I want to say her mother didn't loved her, I'm sure she did, she just couldn't be the mother Hazel would have needed. Every child would have needed.
It wasn't her fault, she was ill. Mental ill. And she never asked for help-probably also not her fault. I just feel so sorry for Hazel. It must have been so hard for her.
I know it's still hard for her.
When we arrive at home our parents both aren't at home yet, as usually. They will be there soon.
We all go to our rooms, after a while I decide to go over to my little brother.
When I enter his room he's listening to some music, but he takes his earphones off when he sees me coming in
'Nothing, actually. How are you?'
'Fine. Is everything alright? Every time you come in a room looking like this you want to talk about something.'
I'm laughing 'Everythings alright. You've just been so quiet when we walked home'
'You and Hazel have been too, Bianca.'
'I know...just, are you sure that everything is alright?'
'Sure...I just worry about...' he looks really worried, just like he said.
I love my brother for caring so much about his friends. And also about strangers. About everyone. And especially about Will.
'I know.' I smile at him and he smiles back. I would really like to help him, but I think that's his thing.
Will wouldn't allow anyone but Nico to help him with anything anyway.
Hazel comes over and we're talking about some stuff, until our parents come home and we have dinner.

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