Chapter 15

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(Piper's point of view)
Me and Jason are walking along the pier.
I kinda like this place, not so many people go here, so it's quite.
We usually don't get many time together, just me and him, because he's always with Percy, or with other friends.
I know he got some shit going on, but he refuses to talk about it to me.
I don't want to start talking about Leo again- he was his friend too- and I don't know how to start with anything else, so we're just walking next to each other holding hands.
It's so peaceful here. Most ships are tied at their places, but a little one is still out, it slowly moves in our direction and finally arrives at the landing stage and two persons get out of it.
One seems quite familiar.
I look at the boy, then at Jason. He seems to see him too.
The boy who just climbed from his raft looks at us now.
He may have wanted to say something, but he doesn't get that far, I already started to run towards him, pulling him in a big hug.
'Leo Valdez! Where have you been?! What did you even thought leaving me, what happened?!?' I laugh and cry at the same time.
'This is impossible!' Now also Jason arrived, so we're in a group hug.
'Nope, it isn't' Leo says with a wide bright smile.
'You idiot! You big, stupid idiot! I thought you were dead! Don't do this ever again!'
God! He's alive. He survived. Just like in a movie.
'I'll do my best' Leo says laughing, while he pets my back.
After a while I realize the girl next to him, who still stands there quite awkward.
She's really pretty, even her clothes are horrible.
But Leo looks at her like she would be the brightest light in the world.
'That's Calypso. She saved me.'
Calypso smiles now, her voice is like music
'No, we saved us.'

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