Chapter 8

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(Annabeth's point of view)
I walk down the hallways and it feels like everyone is looking at me.
They always looked at me, but until this year it didn't bother me.
I enjoyed it.
Because they looked at me because I was pretty.
Because I was popular.
Now they don't look at me like this anymore.
Now it's like I would be some dirt at their shoes.
Something unclean.
Something wrong.

What have I ever done to them?

How do I deserve it that just walking down this hallway feels like torture?
Sure, I'm not perfect, not always nice, not always what everyone wants me to be, but I gave my best.
Why do some people here hate me?

Don't give up, darling we love you
Sally said this and even I know it aren't just empty words, how is this supposed to solve my problems?
Is it that bad to want people to like me?
Is it that bad that I want to be respected, to be seen as something beautiful and useful?

Come on darling. We're gonna kick everyone's ass!
But Piper wasn't as strong as she always acted like. And I wasn't really there for her after what happens to Leo.
Not enough.
What even is enough? When will it be enough?

If I ever find out who are these idiots I'll kill them. No one is allowed to hurt my wise girl.
But Percy can't always help me. He's not here right now.
But I have to go on. For him. Because I love him, he loves me.
No matter what.


(Bianca's point of view)
I think this is the first time ever that I'm the first one at our lunch table, but that's okay.
After some minutes Nico, Reyna and Will are coming over and sit down next to me.
Will and my brother are in a deep talk about mythomagic, this game Nico is obsessed with. Like, it's super cute how they can talk about this shit for hours, but I honestly don't get what that's interesting about the attack power of some gods.
But whatever, if it makes them happy.
Reyna looks kinda nervous. That's strange, because I have never seen her nervous. Not that I would know her that good, but she never seemed like someone who gets nervous.
I hope everything is alright.
Now also Percy, Annabeth, Piper and Jason are coming over.
Annabeth doesn't look good.
She never does in the last time and I feel really sorry for her.
Screw this bullies.
Percy laid one arm around her and talks about something.
The other two are walking some steps in front of them, joking, but Piper is sending Annabeth worried looks about all five seconds.
Poor thing...
Frank comes over now too and after him Hazel, who looks angry about something.
When we all sit down the usual talks start, like every day.
I think it's funny how we all feel so comfortable together, even we're so different, but it's nice.
'Bianca, what's with your face?' Nico asks worryingly.
'What's about it?' than I remember the guy I had a fight with and that I probably have a black eye. Nice.
'Oh, this, accident'
'Accident?' he raises one eyebrow.
'Yes, accident. Accident like I didn't ment to punch this idiot in the face, but sometimes accidents just happen.'
'Gods, Bianca.'
'Oh, c'mon. Eat your salad and shut up.' I say laughing. I seriously love my brother, but sometimes he's so worryingly.
'I don't have any salad here?!' now he's laughing too.
'Right my point. This isn't healthy. Eat your vegetables, and then you can give me moral talks, fine?'
He tries to look annoyed, but we both ending up laughing into our meals.
I should probably explain that he would be more worried if I wouldn't get in fights usually.
But I guess he's used to it.
Reyna still looks at me so strange.
But then she starts to talk to Nico and everything is normal again.
I really wonder what is going on with her, so after lunch, when we're going to have physics class together anyway, I ask her if everything is alright.
'Huh? Uh...yes, sure. Everything is fine. No problems.' her answer isn't very persuasive.
'Okay... when there's something wrong, you can talk to me, kay?'
'Sure. But no, thanks.'

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