Chapter 6

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(Frank's point of view)
I finished football training and now the team is changing for lunch.
I like lunch.
It means I can see Hazel.
Not that she would even look at me. I'm just this boring, popular guy you can find at every school. Nothing special.
Hazel is something special. She isn't like other girls.
And even she may not see me, as long as we're sitting at the same table every day there's at least a little chance that I'm going to talk to her one day.
And maybe she would even answer...
Drew enters the changing room. She always just comes in, even she isn't allowed to.
But she never got serious problems. Everyone else would get expelled, but she's really good in manipulating people.
And if her words don't work, she can still fuck herself out of her problems.
Not that I would care about things like this.
Or about all the gossip.
But everyone in this school knows why our trainer suddenly left the school without an explanation.
Whatever, Drew walks straight over to me and looks at me flirtatious. She's onto me now for quite a while.
She's already through the rest of the team.
But I'm not interested in her. In no way.
Of course she's attractive, but I'm not interested in her.
I have a crush on Hazel since I saw her the first time, and even she'll never even look at me, I won't have a thing with another girl.
Especially not a girl like Drew.
Even she's really attractive...
But I'm not the type for these sort of things.
No, not at all.


(Hazel's point of view)
I haven't been in my Physics lesson since the first day at school.
Mainly because the teacher is a sexist, homophobe ass.
Also because it's boring as hell.
I walk to the cafeteria now to have lunch.
None of my friends actually eats the school food, they all say it sucks. True. But, even most of the people I eat with are spoiled idiots, I kinda like them.
It's sometimes nice to hang out with other people.
And then there's Frank-
He's an idiot Hazel!
Not that I would like him. But he's kinda cute.
Like, I know most times he's just an idiot, but sometimes he is really adorable, and I think he may be so much more than he actually shows, and just the way he's sitting there and joking with Percy and Jason and how he-
Hazel Levesque! You're not going to fall for a stupid footballer!
Right! He's-
Not my type!
Yeah...right. He's popular, and boring, and does was everyone expects him to do.
Not my type. Absolutely not.
But sometimes I feel like he likes me.
Don't get me wrong, he's not my type! But it still feels good when someone likes you.
But I'm not even sure if he does. There's a big chance he doesn't.
It doesn't matter anyway.
In this moment Drew, one of the popular girls at school comes over.
I know it's wrong to judge people and all this stuff, but she's just such a bitch.
She sits down on Frank's lab 'Why'd you disappear that fast, honey?' She says flirtatious.
Frank doesn't look he would get to a good answer very soon.
I try to act like the whole thing wouldn't bother me, but I'm not sure if no one will see it does.
Thankfully Piper starts to talk 'Piss of Drew! No one here likes you!'
As much as I may dislike Piper, she's dam right.
Piss of Drew.
Sadly Drew doesn't really seem to be bothered
'Oh, please, Piper. We both know that this isn't quite true, right?' she says, laying down her hand on Jason's leg who sits next to Frank.
Jason doesn't even seem to notice her, is passionately talking about something with Percy.
Piper looks like she would go to kill Drew every second.
How I already said, I don't like Piper, for many reasons, but I have to admit that I respect her.
And if she would kill Drew, I would probably think about getting friends with her.
Sadly Frank seems to realize now that there's something going on he should probably do something about and he stands up.
What causes Drew, who still sat on his lab, causes to fall down the floor where she sits now really annoyed.
Not bad either.
Frank, who looks kind confused, just excuses himself and leaves the room.
He really got chills.

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