Chapter 12

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(Annabeth's point of view)
It's finally friday evening again. Weekend.
I'm at my phone, looking up some things when I see it.
They have hacked everything.
The first one I see is facebook.
All over my profile.
Not just on facebook. Everywhere.
I feel tears in my eyes, falling down my cheeks.
I should have known that it wouldn't end. That it would always go on, that there was no way out.
Percy always said that it will be over soon, but how could he tell for sure?
He can't always protect me, and I can't always protect myself and now there's no way to turn things back, this is going to stay forever, everyone can see things on the internet.
Of course there is a way out.
Not the way he meant it.
The thing I never allowed myself to think about because of him.
And Piper, and Sally...
But now.

(time skip)

The wind is cold against my face.
It's raining, the cold rain on my face is making a contrast to the hot tears running down my cheeks.
My hair is swirling in the wind while I look down at the cars wich are driving over.
A year ago a boy from my school killed himself here.
I never talked to him in my whole life, but now I'm wondering what made him do this.
When I'm going to be found there won't be a reason to ask.
Everyone will know.
It's so easy.
A way out.
No harm, no pain, no worries anymore.
Never again.
At least not for me.
It's going to be hell for him.
How can I be that selfish?
Leave my one and only big love?
But how couldn't I?
Just one step and I'll be out. Safe.
But when it's so easy, why don't you just jump?
The tears are falling down my cheeks faster now, I'm breathing heavily.
So easy.
I hear footsteps behind me, someone is coming near me.
When this person arrives I'll probably lose this chance forever and everything will just turn worse.
I take the step.
And I'm falling.
I can hear a voice, a familiar voice, but it's to late for any regrets.
I can see the ground right in front of me, the cold, hard asphalt.
I think it's good that his voice was the last thing I heard, even it's desperate and full of pain.
But what he screamed will always be the last word I've heard.


(Percy's point of view)
I run towards her. Catch her up in time. Everything is well.
I saved her. I protected her. She's save in my arms.
I don't let her get away from me. Never again.

But in reality she's just falling.
I'm too late and the girl I love with all my heart and soul is falling down, dashing on the street where her blood and her broken bones mix with the rain.
A car stops. Then two. Then three.
Soon I can hear the sirens of the ambulance, but I can't move.
I always thought it would be louder.
I thought you would hear how the body touches the ground, how the bones break.
But I couldn't hear a noise, nothing that could express the pain of losing her, the pain of living in a world without her now in any way.
Just traffic noises, the ambulance, the people, the rain.
I can't move. I just look at her body, not able to say a word, to do anything.
Soon the people will come up here and find me.
Standing here, looking down at her.
Now the medics are putting her up and carry her away, soon I can't see their car anymore.
This was the last time for me to see her.
Gone forever, never coming back.
Away. Lost.
I couldn't even say goodbye.
And then, finally, all the pain burst out of me, ending in an endless scream of pain, I just stand there, screaming and crying, helpless, until I fall down, curl up on the wet, cold street, now just sobbing, because that's everything left.

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