Chapter 13

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(Frank's point of view)
No sign. Hazel hasn't called. Hasn't sent a message.
I know, that's what I expected, but I still hoped.
I look at the number on my arm again, remembering Drew's question if I'm free tonight.
Apparently I am.
So why not?
I take one last hopeful look at my phone, then I start to type in Drew's number.


(Hazel's point of view)
I can't wait.
I'll call him.
It's just 11pm, I'm sure he isn't asleep yet.
No problem.
I type in his number and wait.
Then someone takes the phone up.
'Yes?' This isn't Frank's voice. It's Drew's.
'Harriet? Darling, you're too late! I'm so sorry, but we're very busy right now. Bye!'
That's it.
I look at the phone in my hand.
'My name is Hazel, bitch'
But I can't be really angry at her.
She's right, I'm too late. That's not her fault.
I'm suddenly really angry at Frank.
Like what; I give one girl my number, and another girl comes over to make out with me? Who the fuck thinks like this?!
But still.... if I would have been faster...
Not that I would care that much. It's okay.
I just don't know why I feel like crying.
It's so okay. Absolutely.


(Frank's point of view)
'Who was this?'
I look at Drew, who's sitting on my bed, with my phone in her hand.
'Give me my phone, please'
''xuse me? I'm here!' She's waving with her hands around herself.
'Could you please forget your phone for a moment?!'
'Who was it who called?'
She's sighting and rolling her eyes 'This one girl, from our school. Harriet or something'
'Hazel?' Suddenly I'm excited.
'What do I know?' Drew sounds bored.
But I already grabbed the phone. Of course I don't know Hazel's number, so I also don't know if the last caller was her, but if so...
'I'm sorry, but you have to leave. Right now.'
'What?! You're sending me AWAY!??! BECAUSE OF HER??!'
Drew is laughing hysterically, but then she starts to breathe heavily, like she would almost cry.
Wait- Drew got feelings? I don't know why, but I haven't expected this. Like, I know people have feelings, but I never really thought about hers or why she's doing things and all this stuff.
I awkwardly pet her back.
'I'm sorry,'s just....this isn't going to work anyway, you know this? And this isn't the way you'll get happy.'
'Oh, screw you! Like you would care!' she's pushing me away, and runs out of my room, slamming the door behind her shut.
For a short moment I think about following her, but she's right.
I don't care.
Even I feel horrible because of this, and I really want her to find someone who does, but I don't care about her.
I hope she'll find someone who does one day, but this won't be me.
So instead of following her I recall Hazel, hoping that this time everything will went well.

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