Chapter 2

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(Annabeth's point of view)
After we finished lunch I walk to my french course with Piper,but before I go there I have to get my books from my locker, so I tell her to meet in the classroom.
When I open my locker a piece of paper someone put into it slowly falls down to the ground. I keep it up.
Someone wrote SLUT on it with big, bright red letters.
I can feel tears in my eyes.
Will they ever stop?
I get things like this since the beginning of the year now and I still don't know who does this. Or why. It doesn't make sense at all and it isn't fair!
What's the problem of these people?
It's getting worse and worse every day. They are so stupid!
Just because a girl cares about the way she looks doesn't mean that she's just onto boys. I actually never have...
And even would have just been Percy. How could anyone ever think I would cheat on him?
If I would just know who does this. For a while I thought it would be probably one of Nico's sisters, Bianca or Hazel, but now I feel really bad for even thinking about them. First because they're really nice, and, even we have nothing in common, kind of my friends. Secondly because the whole thought is ridiculous. Bianca is probably the most accepting person in the world and I bet Hazel doesn't even give a fuck about me. Not in an unfriendly way, I'm just pretty sure that girls like Hazel think girls like me are boring.
So it have to be someone else...
I tell myself to stop think about it and throw the paper in the next garbage can. Good that Percy isn't with me right now. He worries about these messages even more than me. But without him I probably wouldn't have gotten through the last time, I'm honestly so thankful for this boy.
And also for Sally, his mother, who's by far the most amazing person ever. And much more of a help for me than my family.
I fast wipe the tears out of my eyes and rush to my french course.


(Piper's point of view)
Annabeth enters the room in the last second and sits down next to me, throwing her books onto the table.
'Why did this take so long?- is everything alright?' I know she tries to look like she's okay, but I know this girl long enough to know she isn't.
But Annabeth just nods and ignores me.
I bet it was one of these idiots again. If I should ever find out who does this, who even thinks about calling my Annabeth a whore or something like this, who hurts her I will kill this person, or persons in the most painful way I can think of.
And I can be very creative.
For a while I was sure it's Reyna, but now I don't think so anymore. Don't get me wrong, I passionately dislike her, just that she's Jason's- my Jason's- ex is enough of a reason for me to hate her, but I have to admit that she isn't the type of girl that would go on such a low level.
My thoughts shift to Jason and from there to other things.
I actually never pay attention in french class, since my mom is french I can speak it as well as english.
Out of the window a plane flies over. I hate planes. I always did.
Until last summer it was just because of my dad. Because he always gets in planes and leaves me alone for weeks, and then he comes back for some days, just to fly away again.
And then last summer the thing with Leo happened...
Sometimes I feel like all the other ones would have already forgotten him.
It's like they wouldn't even realize the empty seed on our table. His empty seed.
All their lives just moved on. But I can't forget Leo. He was my best friend. The one person I trusted over all. The one person I could talk to about everything without being afraid he might leave me.
But he did.
Don't get me wrong, I love Annabeth. And also Jason, damn and how I love him.
But Leo was like the brother I never had. Sometimes I hated him, but we both always knew that we're there for each other.
And then this stupid boy got into this stupid plane.
And the stupid plane never landed, just disappeared in the ocean.
Lost forever.
The first weeks I still hoped he would come back.
Sometimes people survive things like this. My dad was in a movie once in wich he survived a plane crash and then got on a little island.
Right Piper, it was a movie I tell myself. Things like this just happen in movies. In reality they all are just dead.
Leo is dead.
I feel again the way I felt before I met Leo.
Alone in a room full of people.
Alone while I'm in Jason's arms.
Alone now, and left alone by everyone one day.
Alone. Alone. Alone.

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